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Economic Fiasco

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Date: 09/10/2012 20:43:50
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Hello everyone, so here is my situation:

- Im currently Losing money around 10k every week.

- I have two trainees, which are not going to be world beaters, but are going to be bench products in the future plus helping me with merchandise and the fans

- The only real option i have is to fire my advance trainer who's salary is the 20'ks, or fire trainees, or all together.

I want to promote back to division III What do you recommend, I also will be dropping out of the cup this week, that''s the reason for the urgency now...... Any ideas will be welcome.

From: SN13

This Post:
226756.2 in reply to 226756.1
Date: 09/11/2012 00:06:57
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Well, as long as your arena is consistent you shouldn't be worrying toooo much at the moment. In my opinion, what you should do is see if you can cut your scout for now, until you expand your arena - that way, you'll be saving money and when you have enough money to expand your arena you can invest and then hopefully your income will increase and then you can use your scouting points again.
And if you want, you can get rid of Costa and get a scrub worth 1-2k, you at least save 1k :)

P.S. Players are sold once you reach 500k in debt.

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226756.3 in reply to 226756.1
Date: 09/11/2012 02:29:01
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I would definitely fire your trainer and replace him with a basic.

I know this isn't what you want to hear but I would also sell one of your stud Cs. Your starting SG has a salary below 4k and you have 0 bench. Replacing one of the Cs with a 15k PF/C (your current backup can start), a 15k defense oriented SG, and some kind of SF/SG/PG combo backup in the 10k-15k range would probably improve your team while cutting a bit of salary. It would also allow your game shape to improve.

You don't have to follow my specific replacement plan, just consider that in general a 20k SG and 25k C are a lot better than a 50k C and 4k SG while also being cheaper (if they are all getting big minutes).

From: DoG

To: SN13
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226756.4 in reply to 226756.2
Date: 09/12/2012 04:31:04
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P.S. Players are sold once you reach 500k in debt.

is there a time limit to how many weeks you can be in debt but under 500k?

am in a similar situation but if i keep winning the cup until the 60K prize round am looking at at least 10-15 wks (w/out interest) before i reach -500k

Last edited by DoG at 09/12/2012 04:33:13

From: SN13

To: DoG
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226756.5 in reply to 226756.4
Date: 09/12/2012 04:42:52
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You'll have to find out, hopefully someone else will see this thread that knows.

But from memory (I was in this situation once) it could be -300k first of all and I'm pretty sure it's after 5 or 6 economic updates (or weeks).
Hope that clears a bit up at least :)

From: DoG

To: SN13
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226756.6 in reply to 226756.5
Date: 09/12/2012 04:45:12
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thanks :)

hopefully someone can confirm. my 1st time to be in this situation LOL

From: SN13

To: DoG
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226756.7 in reply to 226756.6
Date: 09/12/2012 04:58:04
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Lol, you have to push to promote :)

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226756.8 in reply to 226756.1
Date: 09/12/2012 06:52:34
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Your arena prices are way too low and that's why you are losing money. Also your team is very unbalanced - you have three C with 50k, 49k and 26k salary + 2 SGs with 19k and 14k salary. Where is a PG? Also you are beating down the opposition left and right, which means your team is too good for this league. Too god = too expensive, so that's also one of the reasons you are losing money.

From: Big Dogs

To: DoG
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226756.9 in reply to 226756.4
Date: 09/12/2012 16:47:16
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is there a time limit to how many weeks you can be in debt but under 500k?

No. If you are at or over -500k, then you have 2 weeks to get out of debt or else you go bankrupt and your players get listed for $1.

Last edited by Big Dogs at 09/12/2012 16:52:04