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From: Fokai
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Date: 09/12/2012 00:52:53
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Just wondering what direction to take my team, ive been trying to put together a winning team but i see its gonna take a while. So any help would be appreciated.

From: Koperboy

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226806.2 in reply to 226806.1
Date: 09/12/2012 04:27:16
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Buy cheap 18y old trainees with allstar or Perennial allstar potential, buy trainer lvl 3 or 4, train them. Buy either short players for outside training or tall players for inside training. For non-trained positions, buy veterans. Try to win away games so you come home with a win and get the most out of your arena. Expand your arena. Since you are selling out Lower tier and Courtside seats, why don't you expand them?

From: w_alloy

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226806.3 in reply to 226806.1
Date: 09/12/2012 16:25:46
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There is no reason to have 19 players on your roster. You are paying a lot of extra players. I would reduce this down to around 10 players.

After you get down to around 10 players, you should gradually replace some of the worst with players in the 28-32 age range that have 5k-13k salary, good defense, and good secondary skills. Also you should try to regularly make some arena expansions.

You already have some good looking trainees (just judging by age/skill) so you are fine in that area. I think level 3/4 trainer is not worth the cost for you but I've had this discussion with the above poster in a few other threads so I'll just leave it at that.

Last edited by w_alloy at 09/12/2012 16:27:39

From: Fokai

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226806.5 in reply to 226806.2
Date: 09/12/2012 20:32:46
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What do u suggest as to how many seats i should buy?

From: Koperboy

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226806.6 in reply to 226806.5
Date: 09/13/2012 01:44:07
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Well I see you are already upgrading, so that's a good thing. Invest rationally - don't break the bank for each upgrade, but rather spend only half of your money, for exampe. Unless you are sure you won't need any money in the near future for new players, coach, doctor...

Also your prices need a bit of correction - I saw you have already changed them. Bleachers to $12, Lower Tier to $45 and Courtside Seats to 145. You don't have any Luxury boxes yet, but you can change the price already to $1.500. In the next batch of upgrading, do not forget them - build 5-10 of them