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Training Decision help!

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From: Bballin
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Date: 09/12/2012 16:47:28
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Okay I have a tough choice to make!

Im currently training IS on my guards who have the following skill sets:

21yo, superstar pot, 183cm:
12/8/14/13/12/12 - 8/5/6/2

19yo, star pot, 185cm
7/6/7/3/6/4 - 5/4/6/7 - 2/7

18yo, star pot, 193cm
4/7/7/5/4/6 - 3/3/4/2 - 6/1

So my 19 year old got 48 minutes on Saturday(not 48+), but I figured no worries, my 21yo is more important so as long as he gets 48+ im fine. Then on Tuesday my 21yo got 48 minutes(NOT +). Now tomorrow my 18 year old will be trying to get 48+, but even if he gets it idk if I should still train IS for C since my 21 yo is by far my #1 trainee and the other two really arent very important. So with that said should I 2 position train C and have my 19yo and 21 yo play PF tomorrow to get the 1 minute they need, or should I train REB after playing them at PF or should I just train IS anyways?

I have a level 6 trainer.

This Post:
226856.2 in reply to 226856.1
Date: 09/12/2012 16:51:40
Overall Posts Rated:
Train IS anyway.

This Post:
226856.3 in reply to 226856.1
Date: 09/12/2012 16:52:23
Overall Posts Rated:
48 instead of 48+ I'd train what I was going to train anyways. Anything 45 minutes or above I don't change, but that's just me.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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226856.5 in reply to 226856.1
Date: 09/12/2012 17:05:38
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You're a Canadian, Canadians don't ask for help.:P