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Apex's 10 Commandments For BuzzerBeater Success

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From: Apex
This Post:
Date: 01/31/2022 21:45:21
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BuzzerBeater Resume
- 33 Seasons Played (16 seasons on old account and 17 seasons on this one)
- 2x USA Cup Champion (S54 and S55)
- 1x NBBA Champion (S55)
- 1x NBBA Runner-Up (S54)
- Top 16 B3 (S55)
- 12 World Rank (Now - S56)

Ordered by importance:

Commandment 1: Money rules everything. Do everything efficiently. Don't overpay for players, don't overspend on your weekly expenses for no need, don't pay for staff you don't need, don't hang onto a player just cause you like them. Finish your arena and acquire anything that boosts your income early. Do the bare minimum required to accomplish your goal. Understand how much money you need to accomplish your goals.

Commandment 2: Patience, Patience, Patience. I'm going to say this right now, and many will not like it. Most goals in this game take 3-5 years (12-20 seasons) to accomplish. If you rush, you will fail. If you make bad decisions, you will fail. If you get distracted and quit, you will fail. It's a simple commandment but many don't understand how critical it is.

Commandment 3: Have a goal. Whatever you are doing in BuzzerBeater, have a goal in mind. Have a goal for the future and have a goal for each season. Wanna win in Division 1, train a NT player, make Division 2, figure out how long that will take and how to get there. Everything you are doing must in some way bring you closer to accomplishing this goal. Do not do things which do not bring you closer to your goal.

Commandment 4: Plan aggressively. Plan out your minutes for the week and the lineups you wanna run. Plan out when you will transfer players and what kind of players you want to buy. Plan out your finances seasons ahead of time. I planned out about 5 seasons ahead in terms of training and roster moves in an excel doc.

Commandment 5: Understand the game. Learn the best tactics, training methods, minute management. Read as many guides as you can. Talk to as many people as you can. Get their thoughts and opinions and expand your intellect. Without knowledge you won't know the correct way to accomplish any of the other commandments on this list.

Commandment 6: Scout your league. Know what other teams are doing or what their goals for the season might be. Watch their transfers, check when they log in, what tactics they run, what guesses they make, screenshot their players when they are listed on the TL, know whether they are profitable or not, know everything you can.

Commandment 7: Scout your country. You thought knowing about your league was enough, no. Know who has a lot of money saved up. Know who is planning a big run and is training national team players. By doing so you know what you have to do to surpass them or if they are ahead of you. I cannot stress the importance of talking with other active members on the Discord/Forums and getting to know them.

Commandment 8: The Transfer List is a stock market. Learn trends. Learn when the market is up and when it is down. What time in the day, which day of the week, which week of the season certain trends occur. Learn which players sell for a lot and which sell for a little. Buy low sell high. Track when important players hit the market.

Commandment 9: Don't be afraid to pivot. All plans are subject to change. Sometimes a player might become available on the TL that makes you get rid of a long time piece on your team. Sometimes another league mate is threatening your promotion and will make you pay for an extra player to reach your goal. You know the old saying "We plan, god laughs"; it applies. Things will happen that are unexpected, evaluate them and change course if needed.

Commandment 10: Make Friends and build relationships. It's a game. I would never have continued playing this game alone. Watch games with others, talk about tactics, builds, game planning. Don't do this alone, you'll want to quit.

Last edited by Apex at 01/31/2022 22:07:39

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
From: Darkonako

To: Apex
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313593.3 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 04:23:09
Folgado Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Folgado Lakers II
One of the best posts I've read in a long time. It can't be more accurate. Thanks, mate!

From: mink0ff

To: Apex
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313593.4 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 05:53:53
BC Vitosha Sofia
A Grupa
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sofia Alpha Dogz
Great read, mate! Very true, very accurate, very relevant.

BBB: 2 (S37 S38); Top tier: 7 (S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S41 S63); Cup: 9 (S25 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S61)
From: Camy

To: Apex
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313593.6 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 10:32:05
Karma Chameleons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Karma Bears
Good job mate! And many thanks for your wise words and sharing your knowledge

Homegrown since...ever
From: jacobomd

To: Apex
This Post:
313593.7 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 13:27:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Great commandments mate. Right now, i´m focused on number 10:)

Best regards and see you at PL.

From: dsanch

To: Apex
This Post:
313593.8 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 14:02:46
C.B. Paralímpicos
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The commandnents of our BBible.

Last edited by dsanch at 02/01/2022 14:04:37

From: E.B.W.
This Post:
313593.10 in reply to 313593.1
Date: 02/01/2022 22:49:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
If anyone is interested in Apex digging much deeper into these Commandments or want to hear his thoughts on BB tactics and his knowledge on game engines, definitely check this out! Full 49 minutes of us talking about BuzzerBeater, the new buffed tactics, game engines and RNG, CourtHoops, and more:


Last edited by E.B.W. at 02/01/2022 22:55:33

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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313593.11 in reply to 313593.10
Date: 02/02/2022 00:03:52
Overall Posts Rated:
Great job!