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Newbie Messes Team up at Start!

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226802.9 in reply to 226802.7
Date: 9/13/2012 11:03:27 AM
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Well i honestly been league 5 for 7 season it not that bad. if your building to win and gain profits. Its a marthon not a sprint..

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226802.10 in reply to 226802.9
Date: 9/13/2012 11:43:27 AM
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There's a story about a turtle and a hare. And then there's the world's slowest sloth...

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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226802.12 in reply to 226802.2
Date: 9/14/2012 7:38:56 AM
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but I guess the joy in playing is discovering yourself what works and what doesn't, so I'll refrain from any more comments unless asked.


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226802.13 in reply to 226802.10
Date: 9/14/2012 12:35:02 PM
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Well a sloth is very smart animal and conserves itself. and are very successful. I think ill take that over a old turtle and fast rabbit any day. Learning takes a long time.

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226802.14 in reply to 226802.13
Date: 9/14/2012 3:00:53 PM
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One learns a ton faster when one is out there trying to win and making mistakes. I know personally I sold off most of my team twice last season alone because I realized I didn't know what I thought I knew. If I had decided to just sit back and build cash I would have never realized the mistakes I was making. Instead I would have made the mistakes in a later season when they were more costly.

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226802.15 in reply to 226802.8
Date: 9/14/2012 8:11:02 PM
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Keeping the lowest salary possible is actual a good plan for now.

The game manual clearly states:

The salary floor does not apply to new teams for their first sixteen weeks

So for the first sixteen weeks of his team, he should keep his salary as low as possible. (if he is going with his hoard money strategy) and you would only have to have three players.

Personally if I was to follow this strategy I would want to buy 3 18 year olds with around allstar potential so that I could train all three of them throughout the year as well, increasing their value throughout the year and thus gain potential revenue if you did choose to sell them (even if you are using a minimal trainer... some training is better than no training.)

After the first 16 weeks are over, however, I would definitely recommend a different strategy.

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226802.16 in reply to 226802.15
Date: 9/14/2012 11:30:18 PM
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@ Ramquizibo - You're totally right. I'd forgotten about that clause in the manual. And I hadn't realized how truly new Justin's team was.

@ Justin - If you're going with this strategy, ignore what I said until New Years'. By then you'll have to start paying the league minimum regardless of your actual salary costs.

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226802.17 in reply to 226802.13
Date: 9/15/2012 12:06:56 AM
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Hey can we go over how many TV games you won in a row again? I kinda came into the middle of that one and need a little refresher.

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226802.19 in reply to 226802.1
Date: 9/15/2012 11:32:25 AM
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The idea of building your stadium is a good idea - though you could do this while still winning games

A couple of things.

1. Losing games will result in lower attendance and lower revenue, so your projections may be high.
2. Once you understand how to manage gameshape and enthusiasm, you'll realize how very easy it is to win a DV league.
3. You get promotion money into DIV and you're better off executing your plan while minimally staying in DIV.
4. You don't need to spend more than $10K a week on scouting since you're in DV and (even in DIV with a bad record) you'll get enough information for a good draftee.
5. Buy 3 18 year olds with at least Star potential and single train them with an Advanced trainer. You probably won't train these trainees very well until you figure out what a good trainee's skills look like initially and how to maximize their training. But at least this will teach you something in the meantime.
6. A $500K bankroll will not buy you a good enough team to steamroll or win a DIV league anymore. Most DIV leagues have several very good managers who have very good teams.

The best strategy is to win games, have a positive cash flow and build your stadium to increase your cash flow. And sell and replace your players at intervals when your cash flow will allow and which will help you win more games against better teams. You don't need 5-7 seasons to figure this out.

Last edited by G Khan at 9/15/2012 11:33:56 AM