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Suggestions > Adding missing information to the "Team History" page

Adding missing information to the "Team History" page

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Date: 11/11/2011 10:08:25 AM
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Currently you can only see what happened with current user, and what had been the status before him.

You cannot know whether a name change is due to a player leaving the game and being replaced with a new user, or just the same user replaced his team's name.

Additional information which describe is it a name change or a new user, will be nice to have feature.

I would also suggest adding to this page information about whether a team was managed by computer or user.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 11/12/2011 5:14:54 AM

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202197.3 in reply to 202197.2
Date: 11/11/2011 10:35:25 AM
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Most of the time people want to forget what happened to their team before their arrival.

You also can see quite easily if the name has been changed during the season (so change of user) or during the offseason (choice of user).

But if you can find an esthetic way to show these information, an easy way to implement it and and an extended time for the devellopers, why not.

It is easy - there are two colors used on this page - one for the past, and one for the presence.
All information which is in black is related to the current user.
The gray colored information is part of older users.
Use the same scheme to identify ANY user change.
It can also be done with only two colors as well.

Regarding the developers time;
I'm not their manager. The priority of the tasks will be defined by him.
The need (and this is a low priority, but easy to implement feature) and the difficulty of implementation (to some degree) is what is can be discussed on this forums.

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202197.4 in reply to 202197.3
Date: 11/12/2011 4:11:35 AM
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I agree with this suggestion and I think it should be a Supporter feature.

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