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Australia - IV.7 > Fishbowl Season Five Organisation

Fishbowl Season Five Organisation

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189486.10 in reply to 189486.9
Date: 07/13/2011 20:34:24
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dont mean to be a hassle but i think us sharks want skyhook put in north an me in the south. if this is allowed i can make the south, and co-commision with PP

Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
This Post:
189486.11 in reply to 189486.10
Date: 07/14/2011 07:41:22
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> The Fish Bowl South(Season 5)
> Possum Pete - Possum Chasers - Calamari in
> hb_ - All-Sorts - Calamari in
> Lordy - Team Lordy - Calamari in
> Petevas - Yarra Park Bears - Sharks in
> bainsynator88- Bainsynators plebs - Sharks pending
> Chucky-FE - Eggplantpopolopolous - Sharks in
> Mangocango - Mangoloids - Kevin in
> Neeber - Beasts Red - Kevin in
> Whompa - Whompas Donkeys - Kevin in
> RabidCamel - Rampaging Marmots - Guppies pending
> Axis123 - Home Axis - Guppies will be invited after he loses PL Playoff this friday (sorry axis but I am calamari afterall - go titans!)
> Rad Ranga - Mad Rangas - Guppies in

From: Leeroy

This Post:
189486.12 in reply to 189486.7
Date: 07/14/2011 20:54:11
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Hey everyone. Warren Bulls were last online on the 7/7/2011

So not sure what you'd like me to do in regards to his PL invite.

This Post:
189486.13 in reply to 189486.12
Date: 07/14/2011 21:05:02
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Probably in Ethiopia somewhere.

From: yodabig

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189486.14 in reply to 189486.12
Date: 07/14/2011 21:45:07
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This is why we like to get organised early. Just make sure when he gets back online he realises this is urgent. It is only a bit over a week, a short break, but soon we will have to look for a replacement.

From: Leeroy

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189486.15 in reply to 189486.14
Date: 07/14/2011 21:58:46
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Well he'll get the automatically generated bb-mail so we just gotta wait for him to get back online

From: JW

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189486.16 in reply to 189486.14
Date: 07/14/2011 22:01:26
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have we got a list of possible replacement or teams that are waiting in the Free Agency pool?
what happened to the zyler situation? has he been re-instated into the Guppies?

From: Shanmag

To: JW
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189486.17 in reply to 189486.16
Date: 07/14/2011 22:13:46
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I don't think he wants to be in the Guppies by the sound of it.

From: JW

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189486.18 in reply to 189486.17
Date: 07/14/2011 22:27:23
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I don't think he'll have much of a choice unless there is a trade, because Warren Bulls are also in the Guppies as are the Marmots.
The Sharks are happy with the 12 players we've got and not really looking to swap at the moment.

From: yodabig

To: JW
This Post:
189486.19 in reply to 189486.18
Date: 07/14/2011 22:40:08
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He's back. I forgot he told me he would be away for a few days. Sorry. All should be sorted out today. Just don't start any leagues yet!

From: tremell

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189486.20 in reply to 189486.19
Date: 07/14/2011 22:53:43
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He's back

Whos back?
