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Australia - IV.7 > 2-3


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196118.2 in reply to 196118.1
Date: 09/10/2011 00:25:08
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I used it successfully a couple times last season VS Bains when he had the 2 expensive big men, and maybe against hippos too.
i played Schiavio in 3, Daniel in 4 and Gab in 5 and had enough ID on the court to stop his inside attack.

didnt seem broken to me.

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196118.3 in reply to 196118.2
Date: 09/10/2011 00:42:01
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I have not used this defence in a long time... but i do not think it is broken. If you have three players with decent id then you can have them put extra pressure and and rebounding onto the bigs of the other team. this should give your team a lift in id ratings and rebounding as well. Of course it can be a disaster if you get tricked and the other team plays an outside offence.. you may get more rebounds but could get slaughtered on the outside. Not worth using unless your sf has decent id and rebounding. I also believe that if the opposition has a pg with great passing it may be possible for the ball to still get inside for some decent looks.

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196118.4 in reply to 196118.3
Date: 09/10/2011 00:48:33
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I'm going to sound like a dick saying this, so I apologise, but note that the guys who are saying it isn't broken are in lower leagues - so the strong inside offences they'll be playing against will usually be paired with a much weaker outside one. As soon as you have a couple of competent outside threats, even if they don't go with an outside tactic, you are in a LOT of trouble with 2-3.

/League II dickishness.

Last edited by RabidCamel at 09/10/2011 00:49:19

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196118.5 in reply to 196118.4
Date: 09/10/2011 00:59:53
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I completely agree with you. I've have been burnt at least 5 times using a 2-3 zone where my ID completely shuts down their IS but they end up winning because they take far too many jump shots from outside because they can't get the ball inside.

It was then that I concluded that 2-3 zone is broken.

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196118.6 in reply to 196118.4
Date: 09/10/2011 01:00:59
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alot of div 3 teams have both inside and outside scoring threats!! Like me for example!! but yes i agree that you find that more and more in div 2!

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196118.7 in reply to 196118.1
Date: 09/10/2011 01:02:44
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Read this if you can be bothered:

I haven't read it, but I'm sure it will answer some questions :p

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196118.8 in reply to 196118.6
Date: 09/10/2011 01:03:32
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Oh, I agree, there are some very good div III teams out there who are a lot stronger than me (you're going to crush me in our scrim), but ask yourself this: when is the last time anyone successfully used a 2-3 Zone against you? :)

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196118.9 in reply to 196118.8
Date: 09/10/2011 01:10:34
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Can't remember!! M2m seems to be the d that everyone uses these days!

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196118.10 in reply to 196118.7
Date: 09/10/2011 01:40:23
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Read this if you can be bothered:

I haven't read it, but I'm sure it will answer some questions :p

Just had a quick look through, most of the comments seem to echo what Camel and Monkey said - that 2-3 isn't great for higher levels and it often results in you getting torched from the outside.

It almost seems like the guards forget to play defence when using a 2-3 zone?

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196118.11 in reply to 196118.10
Date: 09/10/2011 01:49:19
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They dont forget.. the sf is just concentrating on inside defence leaving your pg and sg to defend the perimeter. If you play against a team with a outside focused sf he will most likely get a few more open looks... but once again the team has to have the passing to get the ball to the open man

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196118.12 in reply to 196118.4
Date: 09/10/2011 02:01:26
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You aren't a dick saying that you have actually hit the nail on the head. You can use a 2/3 zone if the opponents big men are dominant and the guards are pathetic. I have done it against the Smeltztroopers and won. But if you try it against a team with decent guards then they will kill you. You don't even get a great boost on your ID rating unless you have a SF with great ID. You do get a boost on your rebounds which can help. However you give up a TON of easy outside shots even with great defenders (my guards typically have around wondrous OD and still get owned). If it is against a strictly one dimensional team or one with big men who will be unstopable otherwise you can risk it. But even in inside offences often half the shots are taken outside and lowering their inside % from 80% to 70% isn't worth raising their outside % from 30% to 60%.

I know a player who recently bought a "great PG" in his opinion who could pass and defend but who had awful JS and JR. Against him a 2-3 would be ideal, but you aren't going to find a lot of opponents like that. Once again just using my team (mid range division II) as an example my guards tend to have around tremendous JS and the worst on my team is my young trainee who has proficient but who has many seasons to improve. Even he can torch a 2/3 zone.
