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BB USA > U21 Training Guide

U21 Training Guide

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From: Xarn

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233858.203 in reply to 233858.69
Date: 9/19/2013 10:32:33 PM
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I think I picked up a SF prospect. Would you agree? Would trying to make him a SF ruin any chance he has at u21 action?

Kenneth Bohannon (30647406) Bookmark this player Small Forward

Weekly salary: $ 3 335
Role: draws a paycheck

DMI: 0
Age: 18
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: respectable
Driving: mediocre Passing: awful
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: average Free Throw: mediocre

Experience: atrocious

From: Big Dogs

To: Xarn
This Post:
233858.204 in reply to 233858.203
Date: 9/20/2013 12:39:26 AM
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You can't be sure that training him to be an SF would mess up his chance. It's only the first week of his 18 year old season, and U21 is 3 seasons away. A lot can and will change by then. I would give him OD/PA first, then move onto ID. His JR/HA/REB/SB is a nice starting point.

From: Draggor
This Post:
233858.205 in reply to 233858.204
Date: 9/24/2013 11:50:47 AM
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Got contacted by A-Dub regarding potentially promissing player :

Bob Huang ((30651034))
Owner: Flying Draggons

Weekly salary: $ 3 913
Role: draws a paycheck

DMI: 13300
Age: 18
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potential: superstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: awful
Driving: atrocious Passing: average
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average

Experience: atrocious

Am in touch with A-Dub and will deal with him regarding this young fellow.


French US Rookie Trainer ;c)

This Post:
233858.206 in reply to 233858.205
Date: 9/28/2013 2:01:27 AM
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Alexander Ladner (30649922) ($200,000)
Shooting Guard
Weekly salary: $ 3 188
Role: draws a paycheck

DMI: 9300
Age: 18
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: average Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: mediocre
Driving: average Passing: pitiful
Inside Shot: pitiful Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: atrocious

Kurt Wheeler (30647807) ($300,000)
Weekly salary: $ 3 363
Role: rotation player

DMI: 8400
Age: 18
Height: 7'2" / 218 cm
Potential: superstar
Game Shape: average

Jump Shot: pitiful Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: atrocious
Driving: awful Passing: pitiful
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: awful

Experience: atrocious


This Post:
233858.207 in reply to 233858.206
Date: 9/28/2013 4:57:44 AM
U.K Nuggets
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Second Team:
U.K Nuggets II
I've Been Out Of BB Awhile Due To Deployment So My Previous Account Went Inactive;But My Question Is How Would You Go About Training This Player? I Know He Isn't A USA Native But His Country's People Don't Type Great English. I Was Going For About 10-14OD This Season And Training Passing To 10-13 Next Season? Ideas? Thank You For Your Time!

Lampros Kafetzis (30946571)
Weekly salary: $ 4 359
Role: rotation player

DMI: 18200
Age: 18
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: respectable ↑ Handling: mediocre
Driving: average Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: respectable

Experience: atrocious

This Post:
233858.208 in reply to 233858.206
Date: 9/28/2013 1:12:08 PM
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The 1st guy needs PA training immediately, and the 2nd guy is terrible secondaries-wise.

This Post:
233858.209 in reply to 233858.207
Date: 9/28/2013 1:20:50 PM
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First I would train his OD to 9, and his PA to 8, so he won't be a big liability on offense or defense. Then for the weeks were there are only 2 games or were you can't get more than 42 minutes at PG, train 1v1 and JS. He is tall for a guard, so if you were ever to play him at SF or PF and train 1v1 Forwards, in time, he might be able to get an IS pop.

If you were just to stick to OD and train nothing else, the elastic effect would slow his OD training down. You can think of the elastic effect as a rubber band. If a player's skills is closer to another related skill, both skills will train normally. (If you don't stretch the rubber band too much, you can stretch it more.) The higher a skill is from another related skill, the longer it will take to train that skill. (The farther and farther you stretch the rubber band, the harder it will be to stretch it even further.)

There is an upside, however. For example, if HA is a lot higher than DR, when you train 1v1, DR will pop a lot faster until it gets to a close enough level to HA. Then it's training speed will go back to normal. Hope this helps.

This Post:
233858.210 in reply to 233858.68
Date: 9/28/2013 7:39:13 PM
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If I have an advanced trainer with no specialty, can he train my team good enough?

This Post:
233858.211 in reply to 233858.210
Date: 9/28/2013 9:47:28 PM
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Yes. Advanced trainers are, in my opinion, the most cost-effective trainers there are. I use them all the time.

From: A-Dub

This Post:
233858.212 in reply to 233858.205
Date: 9/29/2013 2:39:51 AM
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Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
There he is! Mon ami français! ;)

This Friday, after I listen to some Rebbecca Black via YouTube, I'll be checking up on Huang's progress. Will discuss your current training plan a little more, as well. Here's to Bob Huang; may he have an abundance of skill pops come friday!

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
This Post:
233858.213 in reply to 233858.211
Date: 9/29/2013 10:33:36 AM
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Thanks for the advice
