Hello Joe, the Legend
Nice summaries of the games. I'm coming here to read every week
Not to spy, that's quite pointless nowadays, but just you seems to be the only one who is doing those summaries.
You were questioning did I wanted to reach 2nd round, oh yes, very badly. Against Bulgaria, I guess I underestimated them (as I can say so to nr7 ranking team), but it looked their best option is to attack inside and still I can beat them with 3-2 zone and also didn't go for prediction. Bulgaria, in my eyes was already qualified to 2nd round last week and despite that was a chance they could attack outside against my possible inside prediction and 2-3 zone plus possible TIE vs Normal. There is why I didn't play CT.
Today we can see it couldn't have been enough winning Bulgaria as u destroyed Ireland.
Against you, I had tactic ready couple weeks before. Sadly 4 players of 9 player lineup were in bad GS and I couldn't use them. As probably u missed some players yourself. Anyway good luck to deserved next round. I'm heading to this ridiculous 7 week scrimmage mood.
Last edited by sõber at 8/6/2024 5:05:05 AM
Rahvuskoondise juhendaja H65-H68