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24751.25 in reply to 24751.15
Date: 5/16/2008 5:52:17 AM
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For I can not write so many in mail, I'd like to write the things here.
According to current XML files, the new version of BBAmor will be released before May 21. I ask more than 10 Chinese users test the application now and here are some information ahout your XMLs.

1. As I metioned before. You use both teamid and teamID in xmlgames. Now I replace the teamid to teamID after I download the xml files.
2. The "rating" in xmlboxscore is wrong.
3. The meaning of "forfeit" in xmlboxscore.
4. The number of "practice" (game shape) in xmlroster is 1 level lower than the level shown in page.
5. I can not find the "position" of the roster. Now I calculate it and users of BBA can change it if they want.
6. IMPORTANT. Some team name contains the character "&" and XML file standards do not allow putting "&" directly into the contents. All xml parsers can not deal with this unless you parse the file by Bytes. You can check the file xmlgames.aspx?teamid=25268 to see the result. Now I'm going to change the "&" into "and" after I download the xml files. And I do not know if some one put "[" or "<" into their names what will happened in your xml files.

For the further requirements:
I'd like to analyse the arena information but I'll follow your schedule if you have.

Will you send notice here if your are going to change the XML structure and leave some period for us to adapt it?

From: OJAY

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24751.27 in reply to 24751.26
Date: 5/16/2008 1:51:11 PM
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Hey childhorn, you should post this into the suggestion forum:


here youre in the forum of Application Development...

This Post:
24751.28 in reply to 24751.25
Date: 5/17/2008 9:04:11 AM
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Hi, you wrote that Buzzerbeater Amor is an open-source project and I saw the source files at ( but now they are gone, where I can find them now?

Thanks and Greetings OJAY

From: jantzen

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24751.29 in reply to 24751.28
Date: 5/17/2008 6:01:07 PM
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They are still there the source files:
What I dont understand is why you make it in Java and then makes it dependent to windows with some bat script.
Isnt it hsql or derby you are using as DB, you can use that in embedded mode.

From: jantzen

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24751.30 in reply to 24751.20
Date: 5/17/2008 6:06:59 PM
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Hi Jantzen,

In the case of the BBData login it works with an java script which needs a clientside action and thats my problem in the moment because I want to do a serverside query with html/php!

Maybe you could support me and give me some idea or solution how that can work without javascript login procedures!?

To be honest I wont make anything before there is a decent login. And I am not able to help on the platform you are using, sorry.

From: OJAY

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24751.31 in reply to 24751.29
Date: 5/18/2008 2:45:17 AM
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Hi jantzen,

thanks I found it at (

What I dont understand is why you make it in Java and then makes it dependent to windows with some bat script.
Isnt it hsql or derby you are using as DB, you can use that in embedded mode.

You are asked the wrong, I am not the developer of this tool, you should ask LA-kds_gen_poc (25432)!

This Post:
24751.32 in reply to 24751.29
Date: 5/18/2008 10:37:37 AM
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Yes, its mine. The source are controlled by SourceForge's CVS service.

Current source code on the CVS are the 0.1 version of BBA. In such version, the BBA retrieves the page info from BB. After that I change the html into plan text and use a open source ETL (kettle v3) tool to load the info into a database.
The bat file is used to call the ETL process.

But now BB provide the data access key and data xml file. I'll use the xml and will not use the database for the new version.

I'll release the new version in this week and put the source onto it.

From: Enkilou
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24751.33 in reply to 24751.32
Date: 5/31/2008 10:20:17 AM
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Would it be possible to have a little helps on behalf of the BB on the connection to the site ?

Being developer for the French community, we would need to recover the 3 files placed at the disposal for our helps site : (under development).

We tested different way to connect us, in particular with the class Snoopy which manages the transfers by heading HTTP, but the site is quite protected.

It has a method specifies for identification by PHP or Javascript?

Sorry for my english, I'm french :/

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