Duncan Arsenault (17732228)dude belongs in a museum somewhere
why not your museum!
Weekly salary: $ 47 297 ($ 28 183)
DMI: 524400 (GS9)
Age: 39
Jump Shot: average Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: average Handling: respectable
Driving: respectable Passing: awful
Inside Shot: prolific Inside Def.: prolific ↓
Rebounding: wondrous Shot Blocking: prominent
Stamina: average Free Throw: proficient
He's only lost 40 skill points so far... (exaggeration don't worry)
Taylor Cook (24807053)good sg but not for div1. div2 or 3 is fine.
Weekly salary: $ 26 864 ($ 20 260)
DMI: 240800 (GS8)
Age: 34
Jump Shot: tremendous Jump Range: prominent
Outside Def.: marvelous Handling: sensational
Driving: sensational Passing: strong
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: awful
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: average Free Throw: prominent
Soon to be Duncan's roommate in the town retirement village.
Last edited by U21 CAN Cletus at 11/10/2016 4:14:50 AM