I totally agree with you. BB is a great game! It is just old... needs some freshness. We shouldn’t be talking about speed. Long term it would do more harm than good. Maybe more games, but her is supporter and second team option (6-8 games a week...)!
We should talk about how to represent fresh BB to a new player on app and here. What the page might look like, what can we add to it, etc.. But the game should stay the same!
Some quick ideas:
1.As we have already written, no one watches the matches... How to make them more "watchable" (so managers would watch their game like @VLRnr does)?
Can we add something to a viewer? Or just refresh it as much as possible...to attract more users.
Better chat, easier and more useful (it looks like we are in 2007).
2.How to represent BB to new user? There should be more videos and better guides (how to manage a team, train players, change logo or playing court...guide must be good! This is the first impression!).
3.How to make everything more accessible. We can find some hidden corners, but there should be none!
4.We can add more statistics. Half of managers use bb-manager...why? We can give users more info.
BB should present as it is. Slow but good simulation manager game. We dont need 50k users, who stop playing after a month (having 1-2 game a day makes the game boring after a month or two.).
You shouldn’t rush with the app and add things little by little. We are late already anyway... It is better to focus, so the application will be done well!