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National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: SiimV

This Post:
311843.4 in reply to 311843.3
Date: 10/7/2021 1:49:04 PM
BC Elkaaria
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Elkaaria Grasshoppers
Ja mu postitus on juba praegu vales kohas )

This Post:
311843.5 in reply to 311843.3
Date: 10/7/2021 5:43:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Vähemalt Discordis nähtu põhjal julgen väita, et SiimV on mänguga (ja koondisega) väga hästi kursis, seni pole ükski mu küsimustest vastamata jäänud :D

Ja muidugi see H70 MM ka, minu arust pole varem midagi sarnast Eestis tehtudki? Ehk siis minu arust oleks tema meie koondisele parim valik.

This Post:
311843.6 in reply to 311843.2
Date: 10/8/2021 4:08:12 PM
Salvem as Lulas
Overall Posts Rated:
Good afternoon guys.

Answering the questions, I decided to leave my country's NT, because I believe I've already given my share of contribution. I managed (along with a commission) to make the trainings unified and focused on the same type for everyone.

I applied here, for the chance to get to know and help other cultures. And also I had not seen anyone to apply.

I realize that SiimV has been doing sequential work for a while, so I'm withdrawing my candidacy and hoping for your NT to have a great future.

Good luck to everyone.

This Post:
311843.7 in reply to 311843.6
Date: 10/9/2021 8:22:26 AM
BC Elkaaria
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Elkaaria Grasshoppers
Hey Marcio!

Thank you for the good wishes.
I want to say thank you for your candidacy. We actually really much appreciate you for stepping up and trying to provide helping hand. Quite possibly you would have even been potential pick for quite many of us.
I believe we even would have managed to work closely enough to keep bigger picture in mind. But there were some last minute discussions and decisions leading to my sign up.
I hope you didn't put all cards on us and I wish you best of luck.