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Lietuva NT

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309325.409 in reply to 309325.398
Date: 8/2/2023 5:35:13 AM
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
Dabartiniai 27-26 mečiai yra jau mano prižiūrėta karta. Visa kita Kozliko palikimas dar.


I can't fully agree with this.
1. You are a NT manager 5th season so you had key influence on final shape of players who were 25yo 5 seasons ago and currently are 29yo.
2. You were in my staff before you started to be NT manager and staff were responsible for leading groups of players from 22-25yo. I gave my indications but generally staff had full freedom in leading players....but of course, I agree main responsibility was mine as a head manager.

Generally FOR SURE training wasn't ideal during my time (I belive nowadays can be better) because it couldn't be while I was doing eveything ALONE most of the time. I think I admited this honestly many times and asked whole community for help and bigger involement to change this many times...but kozlik hasn't complained and was able to do historical results immediately using what he had: silver medal on EC in 3rd season, gold medal of WC in 4th season and then 5 more medals including gold on EC. Not once thanks to luck but 7 times in along of dozen seasons with few generations of players. When I took over Lithuania NT, the team were in pretty the same place like currently, far away from medals.

Did I have a lot of high quality players like the best nations like Spain, France, Italy, China then? Of course, NOT.
Is it genrally possible to make better players than spanish, french, italian, chinese national training system when you work alone? Of course, NOT...but I was fully involved to change this.

I did many things to promote training to NT in community. I tried to incject it into Lithuanians blood like it is in the best BB nations. I remember complaints how uneconomic this is and many another obstacles which I had to face. Despite all of this I think I had few successes in this area. I would like to believe that these my activity then will pay off in the future or even pay off currently. I mean that a few managers really started to love training during my times and I believe they still love to do this and do this currently for Lithuania NT more succesfully being equipped with experience gaining during my times.

I would be very happy seeing great generation of players on Lithuania and I really wish you this. I wish you also even better results than during my time:-) ALL THE BEST!

This Post:
309325.410 in reply to 309325.409
Date: 8/2/2023 12:44:35 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
26-27 year olds, i ment, was my responsibility from age 18. Olders, i got i think at age 23-25. Nowaday 28-30 year olds. Gerlinskas, Kurmanavicius, next season will be Krusanovas. The generation just was not the top notch excluding Gerlinskas. Not everyone trained according to the plans either.

But it is expected to loose some players along the way. It mostly depends on the owner. Like for example PauliusV, bought 7+ feet with probably 7 OD 7PA, trained a tree, sold when salary was unpleasant economically....And now he is the one who complains the most. Next seasons we will be playing the same generation player who started with 35 tsp and 6 black skills!, while the better ones gets destroyed

But now our best generation in decades began promoting to the main team, and i am very optimistic about the future. Like i said before, i have not rushed anyone, to get better players later. Still very young players.

Most of the owners will have only their 1st NT player. So there is alot of work to do. But in general there are more people training than before. Some old ones gave up, but here is a bigger influx of new ones.
As always economy is the key, and the main aspect for the owner. So keeping low salaries during training and in the final build is very important.

By the way GL this season, Poland deserves a medal. Everything got better when you took control, stara dama was living as usual in his own tiny world

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 8/2/2023 12:47:02 PM

From: Rimas
This Post:
309325.412 in reply to 309325.411
Date: 8/4/2023 2:28:29 AM
Komjaunimo Tiesa
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Komjaunimo Tiesa II
Pilnatis yra baisus dalykas

From: glop

This Post:
309325.413 in reply to 309325.412
Date: 8/4/2023 7:01:09 PM
Bc Siauliai
Overall Posts Rated:
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Bc Vilniaus Siauliai
Čia nepilnatis, greičiausiai koks bipolinis sutrikimas.

This Post:
309325.414 in reply to 309325.413
Date: 8/5/2023 1:40:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
Atejo laikas kai seniai jaucia rimta spaudima is jaunimo, sekantis bus pirmas sezonas kuriame kaikuriu seniu nebekarsinsim!. Savininkai informuoti. Kad biški pagyvinti forumą pradedu naują rubriką pavadinimu GG ir GL.

Kas 3-4 dienas postinsiu kam GG-nebezais NT daugiau, ir kam GL-kam reikes sekmes spaudziant kuo daugiau is potencialo ir kas zais NT nuo kito sezono.


GG Petrovicius!

Pike buvo nepakeiciamas zaidejas tolimom/neutraliom taktikom. Kelis sezonus buvo pagrindinis PG visoms, net artimoms taktikoms. Nors karjera jo pavykus, galejo but daug geresne, bet capinosi labai anksti. Keltas belekiek per capa, paskutinis upas 33 metu. Pike atrode taip:

19 16
20 19
20 13
18 14
7 8

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 8/5/2023 1:50:58 AM

This Post:
309325.418 in reply to 309325.417
Date: 8/8/2023 11:30:00 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
Esam tuos pacius prancuzus praeitam cempe apzaide. GDP irgi daugiau pataike nei nepataike. NT neviska gdp lemia. Negalim kiekviena karta saudyti gdp istisai, tai irgi nelogiska Varzybos nieko neleme, kita sezona paguodoj zaisim taip ar taip.

Ivedinesiu jaunima likusiomis sio sezono varzybomis. Italai pries mus dejo gynybinius, jie ten su 14IS, tai ir algos atitinkamos. To pacio is prancuzu tikejomes, ir jei jie deda gynybini vadinasi artimais nelosia.

Tesiant tema:

GL Trabšis!

26 metų gale debiutas NT, stumia seniukus nuo vaizdo. Keltas nuo 18 metų pagal mano sudarytą planą. Pradžiai nuo DR keltas. Gali žaisti PG-PF pozicijose.

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 8/8/2023 11:32:33 AM

This Post:
309325.419 in reply to 309325.418
Date: 8/8/2023 3:58:09 PM
BC Wazoo
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC Nikita
Esam tuos pacius prancuzus praeitam cempe apzaide. GDP irgi daugiau pataike nei nepataike. NT neviska gdp lemia. Negalim kiekviena karta saudyti gdp istisai, tai irgi nelogiska Varzybos nieko neleme, kita sezona paguodoj zaisim taip ar taip.

Ivedinesiu jaunima likusiomis sio sezono varzybomis. Italai pries mus dejo gynybinius, jie ten su 14IS, tai ir algos atitinkamos. To pacio is prancuzu tikejomes, ir jei jie deda gynybini vadinasi artimais nelosia.

Tesiant tema:

GL Trabšis!

26 metų gale debiutas NT, stumia seniukus nuo vaizdo. Keltas nuo 18 metų pagal mano sudarytą planą. Pradžiai nuo DR keltas. Gali žaisti PG-PF pozicijose.

Kada Jaremciuko eile ateis?:)

Last edited by Wazoo at 8/8/2023 3:59:03 PM
