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From: Mulk
This Post:
219170.62 in reply to 219170.59
Date: 6/25/2012 11:39:05 AM
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Ja kurjategija sai oma teenitud palga - slvoveenid kaotasid! Aseritele "Twelve points" :)
Meie jõud käis sakslastest üle, nagu ka prantslastel kreeklastest.
Seega püsib meie järgmine vastane kaotuseta ja on 5 võiduga alagrupi liider.
Meie oleme kaotusega puhtalt teisel kohal ja sloveenid-sakslased jagavad 2 kaotusega kolmandat positsiooni.
1) FRA - 5 / 0, punktide vahe 141
2) EST - 4 / 1, punktide vahe 76
3) GER - 3 / 2, punnktide vahe 70
4) SLO - 3 /2, punktide vahe 37
5) GRE - 2/3, punktide vahe -4
Ees on 2 vooru.
FRA vastsed on EST ja GER
EST vastased on FRA ja GRE
GER vasatsed on GRE ja FRA
SLO vastased on SLO ja DEN

FRA edasipääs on 90% kindel, sest punktide vahe neil oluliselt kukkuda või tõusta ei saa. Põhjuseks see, et nad mängivad neid jälitavate meeskondadega ehk tugevamate vastastega ja lõppskooride punktivahed on väiksemad. Samal põhjusel ei jõua ei meie ega GER prantslaste punktivaheni. Seega, kui FRA ka mõlemad mängud kaotaks, edestaksid nad punktivahega ikkagi nii GER kui SLO meeskondi. Sloveenidel pole oma nigela innustuse tõttu põhjust ka kahe võidu korral loota, et võtavad 90-100 punkti järgi.
Kreeklasi ei aita edasi ka võit mõlemas mängus. Pealegi panustasid nad täna mängu rohkem, kui prantslased.

Hetkeseis on OK. Kannatab edasipääsu nimel võidelda.
Eesti managerid, kelle mängija on koondises - mänguvormid eeskujulikuks!!!

From: Kukoc

To: Mulk
This Post:
219170.63 in reply to 219170.62
Date: 6/25/2012 3:25:15 PM
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Seda postitust võib käia sloveenide foorumis hindamas:) (218587.110)

This Post:
219170.64 in reply to 219170.63
Date: 6/25/2012 3:51:42 PM
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Väga ilus postitus
Reaalselt võttes läks kõik suurepäraselt. Kodus ampsame ära konnad ja pankroti vastu peaks ka ära kangutama lõpus.
Saksa ja Fra peavad ka veel mängima ja usun, et Saksa võlgu ei jää ja võime isegi esikoha võtta grupis. Kuigi ega see vist midagi juurde ei anna?
Sloveenidele ütleks, et suur tükk ajab suu lõhki.

O50 koondise peatreener
From: Mulk

This Post:
219170.65 in reply to 219170.64
Date: 6/25/2012 4:45:03 PM
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Ärge laske kõigi aegade parimal kodumaa tolmu jalgelt rapsida. Jätke see tüüp koju! Westknight, võiksid tiba hinda alla lasta ;) aga no potensiaal on lõpmatus - (25254979)

From: Mulk

This Post:
219170.66 in reply to 219170.64
Date: 6/25/2012 5:17:25 PM
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Väga ilus postitus :D
Reaalselt võttes läks kõik suurepäraselt. Kodus ampsame ära konnad ja pankroti vastu peaks ka ära kangutama lõpus.
Saksa ja Fra peavad ka veel mängima ja usun, et Saksa võlgu ei jää ja võime isegi esikoha võtta grupis. Kuigi ega see vist midagi juurde ei anna?
Sloveenidele ütleks, et suur tükk ajab suu lõhki.

Jah, kodanik on sloveenias pisut tusameelne. Põhjusega. Ja loomulikult teeb sloveenide kaotus head meelt. :)
Kaesin perrä, millest heerosed eri paigus pasundavad. Nii neemetsid kui crunchikutid topivad pühadele õdedele küünlaid seeliku alla ja teevad hookus-pookust, et erripõristajate puhul minestaksime. Juhtub kossujummel nii tegema, ei pea erripõristajad enam grammivõrragi pungestama, mis iseenesest kuradijamaon. Njha, säh sulle kooki moosiga! :)

From: Koperboy

To: Mulk
This Post:
219170.67 in reply to 219170.66
Date: 6/26/2012 2:21:04 AM
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Man, you Estonians really disappoint me. Total lack of sportsmanship.

You are talking about Slovenians like they are villains or something and point out it wasn't fair we used Crunch time. But think again: If you were in this situation where you can win with CT to preserve 2nd place, would you use it? I doubt anyone's answer is "NO".

Not to mention you send one of your users to laugh at our loss in our forums. And don't tell me you don't approve this ; 10 balls for his post deny that. I didn't come to your forums basking in our win because I know better.

Extending contragulations to the winner is also a small, but sportsmanlike gesture; like handshake in real life. I guess I couldn't expect anything like that from you.

This Post:
219170.68 in reply to 219170.67
Date: 6/26/2012 2:31:13 AM
Elavad Trussikud
Overall Posts Rated:
Vandi jutus on pointi, jääme ikka viisakaks.

From: Mulk

This Post:
219170.69 in reply to 219170.68
Date: 6/26/2012 4:27:10 AM
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Vandi jutus on pointi, jääme ikka viisakaks.

Mis point!
Minul pole põhjust silmi maha lüüa.
Mul on Eestu U21 pealikuna hea meel, et sloveenid kaotasid.
Miks? Sest mulle teeb head meelt, et Eesti edasipääsulootused sellest suurenesid.
Kui räägime ebasportlikusest, peaks sloveenide managerile peegli ulatama. Las vaatab.
Ma pole sloveenidele nina alla hõõrunud seda, et nende peatreener käis esimese vooru eel sakslastele rahuliku innustuse kokkulepet pakkumas, mille need ka vastu võtsid. See on tõeliselt ebasportlik käitumine ja muud loba ma nende suust lugeda ei taha. Ammugi siin foorumis. Eriti mage on seda meenutada tema viimase siinse postituse taustal. Mida perset! Las lakub haavu. Mina neile kaasa ei tunne. Nagu vanarahvas ütleb: omad vitsad peksavad.

From: Koperboy

To: Mulk
This Post:
219170.70 in reply to 219170.69
Date: 6/26/2012 5:00:39 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
952952 are really funny. You are looking for excuses for actions I mentioned in my previous post. Do you know who does that? Little children.
"I punched him in the face. Maybe it's not right, but he deserved it, because I think he's a douchebag".

Don't look for excuses. Ask yourself "could I do better"? Yes you could. Are you trying to justify your behaviour by listing my actions that you don't like? I made a TIE deal with Germany, so it's ok to laugh in our face when we lose to Azerbajdzan? I don't like TIE deals either, but you know what? Slovenia U21 is not my private team and I don't own it; I just manage it because I've been elected. So this is not the place to exert my principles, because people want me to win no matter what. THAT justifies the TIE deal. Your behaviour however cannot be justified by anything you can possibily think of, because you've been plainly rude and unsportsmanlike for no reason.

Last edited by Koperboy at 6/26/2012 5:02:03 AM

From: Kukoc

This Post:
219170.71 in reply to 219170.70
Date: 6/26/2012 6:04:06 AM
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You crunched us, yes I understand, you did not have much of a choise. After the game, everyone in your forum was: great tactic, you made them think we would tie etc. We played normal, so we did not take the tie bait. Was a close game, unlucky for us. It's a competition, I loved the reaction after the Azerbajdzan loss, in your forums. Great result for us, I saw an oportunity to get you back for the CT. Worked might well it seems. You come crying here like a little girl, accusing us of being bad sports.
Go back to your Tie deals. Atleast we can say, we earned every win we have. Stop being a sore loser, take it like a man.

From: Koperboy

This Post:
219170.72 in reply to 219170.71
Date: 6/26/2012 6:25:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Almost noone in our forums said that I made them think you would TIE because of my little TIE bait. Again thinking up things? I thought you're done with that.

And this encapsulates the whole thing:
I saw an oportunity to get you back for the CT.
. Again, why is CTing someone worth "getting back to them"? You wouldn't CT in my place? Come on, don't lie to yourself.

Hey, you ARE being a bad sports man. I'm not a sore loser; I congratulated both France and Azerbaydzan immediately after the game and in our forums said it's my fault, which of course you can't do. If I was a sore loser, do you know what I would do?

The same you are doing now after France (hopefully) beats you.

Btw, "we earned our victories" is complete nonsense. You had the easiest schedule possible and could TIE three times with no fear of losing. And now you're using that to justify your earned victories, whereas our victories were not "earned"...don't make me laugh. You had your luck with schedule and we had our luck with bad tactical choices from Germany and Greece. So ours and your wins are equally earned.

Last edited by Koperboy at 6/26/2012 6:40:52 AM
