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Outside or Inside training?

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Date: 12/24/2007 8:32:32 AM
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Understanding there arent conclusive percentage stats available at the moment about training regimes... what are peoples opinions on the most common/uncommon training schedules at the moment...

From reading thru various threads it appears the more experienced BBallers are saying that 99% of shooters aren't all that at the moment... and from scouring the higher wage players these seem to be nearly all Centres.... so are we already noticing a disparity in training between big men and little men?

incidentally - at what level of JS / JR would you start to consider shooters be worth their salt? at what level would you be disappointed if they weren't shooting at least 50% FG.

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10625.2 in reply to 10625.1
Date: 12/24/2007 10:27:10 AM
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I think most of the players are focusing on the inside training. I only say this because there are A LOT of Inside players on the market. And the average shooters sell more than the above average center.

At the moment, I'd be more than happy with a 45% FG and 35% 3FG shooter + 2 assist a game. Most of the shooter si see now rarely shoot above 1/3 three pointers but they do very well on the total %FG, 40% is acceptable for me.

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10625.3 in reply to 10625.2
Date: 12/24/2007 10:40:22 AM
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That's true... Most of the active teams I saw play Low Post or Look Inside, so they are focusing on inside players... Thereby, they most likely train them...

Maybe that's the reason I'm so successful in the league... I bought some decent centers, but with respectable/average Inside Def, so they can defend inside... Also gave them training or two... Meanwhile, I'm training my guards and it works... Since very small number of users trains Outside Def, I have no problems winning...

From: Huzzel

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10625.4 in reply to 10625.3
Date: 12/24/2007 11:12:28 AM
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Most of the active teams I saw play Low Post or Look Inside, so they are focusing on inside players... Thereby, they most likely train them...[...]Since very small number of users trains Outside Def, I have no problems winning...

Did you analyze your games? ;-) From your last 7 oppenents only 2 of them played with an inside focus.
btw: those were the only games u have lost^^

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10625.5 in reply to 10625.4
Date: 12/24/2007 12:04:50 PM
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I am trying to build the inside skills on my players and will hope to buy defensive players as and when i need to upgrade.. what do you find are the best tactics to use against the look inside / low post tactics...

my best victory was when i played patient & 2-3 defense and im still not sure whether it was a fluke or an inspired choice!

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10625.6 in reply to 10625.5
Date: 12/24/2007 12:16:44 PM
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in my opinion for the moment both training types are effective and very much used.

the so called trend of inside focus coul be mainly explained by the fact that you rarely find very good defensive teams and if you live and die off the jump shot you end up losing despite having most ratings better than the oponent, whereas inside scoring is more efective. still take into consideration the inside focus isn't effectiv for a long period of time without real shooters on the team, if you look at my points per period where they are scored, you can see that eventhough all my "scoring power is on the inside, in the 3 and 4 quorter the team starts to take medium range jump shots. it's a game engine thing.

bottom line , whatever you train, you need to have players capable to score at every position oin the court, because of double team and oposing defense focus

From: Bevzil

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10625.7 in reply to 10625.4
Date: 12/24/2007 2:59:08 PM
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Well, they are trying to beat me with my own weapon, but usually they play with inside focus... Don't try to confuse me:)

P.S. It is funny:) Thank you for making this day better for me:)

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10625.8 in reply to 10625.1
Date: 12/24/2007 5:47:19 PM
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Some of the differences in salaries may be due to how players are classified, which might not be the same as their utility.

PG are classified based on having better passing/handling than shooting skills. So players with both sets of skills may end up being classified as SG, with high salaries. And players with OK passing skills, and mediocre shooting are classified as PG. If you had a PG with exceptional passing skills, and training his shooting, his salary would increase, but he might change classification to SG.

Similarly, forwards are classified as such on the basis of their jump shot. But they might have lesser inside skills, and the JS stands out a bit, but they don't get paid for mediocre inside skills. SF also have a relatively weak IS, which appears to be the prime distinction between PF and SF. So if you were to train a SF in IS, his salary might increase, and his value as a SF might increase, but BB might start calling him a PF.

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10625.9 in reply to 10625.8
Date: 12/24/2007 6:05:09 PM
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i thought the base position that BB assigns to the player always stays the same (although with training the player may evolve to have other perceived better positions)

or can the classified position change?

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10625.10 in reply to 10625.9
Date: 12/25/2007 12:05:05 AM
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Oh, it can change. There was a Center in my league that slways played SF, I just checked his player page a minute ago, and now he's a 7'0" SG.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
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10625.11 in reply to 10625.9
Date: 12/29/2007 8:41:35 AM
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I have heard of players changing position.

It appears that the position is calculated based on relative strengths of skills. For example, PG appear to have better passing/handling/driving skills than shooting skills. If you search the transfer market for a PG with say mediocre passing, he will have very poor shooting and inside skills. But if you search for a PG with respectable passing, he might have average JS, or poor shooting. If the shooting is just a bit worse, you could probably convert a PG to a SG by training JS and JR.

If you search the transfer market for a SG with respectable passing, he will have very good shooting, because it has to be stronger than his passing for him to be a SG. You could probably convert him to a PG by training passing.