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New Site: Mibbit Chat

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Date: 9/5/2009 11:55:55 PM
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I keep getting the following error while attempting to connect to a game chat "Connection failed (Max clones reached for your IP)".

I've never been able to connect and I know that the given error is in fact incorrect.

I went over to the Mibbit help channel on their IRC server and was given the following link on how to fix it.

This Post:
108558.2 in reply to 108558.1
Date: 12/21/2009 10:41:38 AM
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No necessity to create a new topic.
I am not able to log on Mibbit Chat today, although it usually works fine... Use Mozilla Firefox.

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
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108558.3 in reply to 108558.2
Date: 2/23/2010 1:13:43 PM
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No necessity to create a new topic.
I am not able to log on Mibbit Chat today, although it usually works fine... Use Mozilla Firefox.

This problem has become pretty frequent to both me and a friend lateley. Either we cannot login at all, or we are kicked out during the games. Sometimes it works to reconnect while other times I have to wait and hope that it starts working (as I am doing right now).

We are both using Google Chrome.

Edit: Apparently he is using firefox today and experiencing the same problem.

Last edited by chespirito at 2/23/2010 1:17:11 PM

This Post:
108558.4 in reply to 108558.3
Date: 2/25/2010 4:03:01 PM
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Second Team:
Can you elaborate what happens? Does it give an error and which one? Do you both use the same IP when connecting? Do other people use your IP to connect to BB and chat over Mibbit? As much information as possible would be welcome.

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108558.5 in reply to 108558.4
Date: 2/25/2010 4:37:20 PM
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No we are not using the same IP (my friends team is Glaskulan IF, I don't know if you can see his IP or not) and no others are using the same IP as far as I know.

The thing is that both of us suddenly (and not at the same times) get thrown out from the chat and then when we try to login either it just does not work, or it claims that the username I try to use is already in use (I guess it's the "reminder" from the original connection), or we get the error message "Connection failed (Max clones reached for your IP)" when trying to login.

When it comes to my friend he says that it has happened after he has logged in with his iPhone first and then tried to login from his computr later on, but I dont know if it his been like that everytime it has happened to him. I only logon from one computer though (I have not cleared the cash, but it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with this).

As far as we know we are the only ones getting constantly kicked out from the Swedish chat. We had a chrome theory, but he tried with firefox last game and got the same problem. Non of us have tried with IE or any other browser for that matter.

In short: I don't think I have any information that might help you.

This Post:
108558.6 in reply to 108558.5
Date: 2/25/2010 5:42:50 PM
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Second Team:
This seems to be an error that happens on other IRC services, so I don't think it has anything to do with BB settings. Of course, I don't think we should write this problem off easily. Can you try the chat while watching a replay? Try different usernames with latin characters and anything else you may think of to tra yourself. I'm just stabbing in the dark here, but we may hit something. Or someone

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108558.7 in reply to 108558.6
Date: 2/26/2010 11:44:25 AM
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I'm testing right now with a replay.

I always use "chespirito" as user name, so no need to test different user names.

I always have several tabs with different matches, but only connect to the chat from one of them.

It often takes until the approximately the middle of the game before I get kicked out. After that I get kicked out more frequently (if Im able to recnnect that is).

Now I was disconnected while visiting another page (other tab). I got this message: Closing Link: [] (Ping timeout). This time I could reconnect directly though.

It just feels random, but as it happens to me frequently it probaböy isn't.

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108558.8 in reply to 108558.7
Date: 2/27/2010 12:53:52 PM
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Next test session.

I logged into the chat for todays game and decided not to write anything at all. Still I was thrown out 2 minutes into the break between Q1 and Q3:

Closing Link: [] (Ping timeout)

No one else wrote anything either btw.

Reconnecting resulted in the following message: "Choose a nickname (Nickname already in use)"

Reconnecting with another nick did not work.

Last edited by chespirito at 2/27/2010 12:55:48 PM

This Post:
108558.9 in reply to 108558.8
Date: 3/1/2010 6:18:05 AM
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Second Team:
Thanks for going to such lenghts to test the issue. Don't hesitate to continue, finding the reason is essential in the fixing process.

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108558.10 in reply to 108558.9
Date: 3/1/2010 10:24:49 AM
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Thanks, I understand that it is a rather complicated issue. It feels a little bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.

If I come up with any better lead in the future, I'll let you know.

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108558.11 in reply to 108558.10
Date: 3/1/2010 6:20:46 PM