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BB Global (English) > Is the bb-economy changing the status-quo?

Is the bb-economy changing the status-quo?

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From: Mr.Mac
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Date: 9/17/2009 11:17:54 AM
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Hi, after watching new bb economic model I realized some points:

-Players´ value have increased between 400K and 1 million (I can give you some incredible examples).
-It´s quite difficult have a negative weekly balance with new Arena and merchandaising revenues. +100K.
-It´s an ideal week to sell some players, will it be perennial??

I´m really scared cause if this tendency stops in 2 weeks all teams who have sold some players this time have really got a 20%-30% plus for their players.

IMO new rules have changed players´ value cause now we´re able to afford really huge salaries and most of users don´t need to be so careful with economy matters, when this was one of the most diffucult points in this game.

So, what do u think? is this gonna be perennial or only it´ll last a couple of weeks? I hope the first one answer but I don´t like this sudden changes every season.

Last season the new engine.
This the economy.
What will be the next?

I´m aware of the fact that this game is still a "child" but I do not want belive that BB´s course is not definded and changes from season to season :(

See u

From: CrazyEye

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111889.2 in reply to 111889.1
Date: 9/17/2009 12:20:11 PM
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i am also a bit scared, that they put a bit to much money in the system.

Mediocore first division will instantly earn a lot more through arena, and even the topleagues seems to earn a lot of money again. I think it will take a while, to the point where top teams nearly spent all their income into thir salries.

From: ned

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111889.3 in reply to 111889.2
Date: 9/17/2009 12:25:45 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
We must speak again my dear:P

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
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111889.5 in reply to 111889.1
Date: 9/17/2009 2:44:30 PM
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If it's difficult to have a negative balance I must be doing something wrong. Once I'm out of the cup I'll barely be breaking even.

This Post:
111889.7 in reply to 111889.6
Date: 9/17/2009 3:41:10 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
You're describing exactly the reality of this game, season 9 (year 2009) recession, season 10 (next year) new deal
This game is full of cycles, honestly I'd prefer a line...

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
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111889.8 in reply to 111889.5
Date: 9/17/2009 4:06:02 PM
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I would say what you're doing "wrong" is not expanding your arena. I know jack shite about economics, but deductive reasoning and common sense? Yeah, I have those.

There are four means of income. Merch, TV, tickets, player sales.

You get a set amount for two of those every week along with ticket money which varies, but you can easily take your average ticket income over four games, multiply it by 11 (home games you have) and divide by 14 (weeks in the season) and come up with a weekly average for that too. I would suggest expanding your stadium so that with these three incomes you are breaking even, or very close to it whether it be +/-

Then player sales are used to upgrade your squad. You know, training young guys, selling them and your current starting ___insert position you don't train here___, then buying a better player for that position and using the rest on your arena.

Again, I see too many complaints about the short term and worries about the long term, instead of the other way around.

Come up with a three season plan, stick to it, adapt when you must, and complain freely when you lose or a guy gets injured.

I've said it many times here, proclaiming it even as my creed. Treat this game exactly like it was a real team in real life, and don't worry about changes made by its creators. Princeton grads who are astrophysicists generally know what they're doing when it comes to this stuff. (booze and women? that's another story, and an area best left for seedy, bearded, scotch drinkers like me to police)

You know the old saying? I'm a politician, when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops.

Well, I was married to a molecular biologist, and scientists have their own saying: Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.

I want the site to improve, so I can achieve success :)

You should too.