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Suggestions > Bookmarks (supporter features)

Bookmarks (supporter features)

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From: ervin45
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Date: 11/7/2009 7:25:29 PM
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bookmarks is a good idea, but not very nice to use because of poor informations in the bookmark page.

Example : i put 5 players in bookmark, 2 days after, when i come in bookmark page, il can just see the player name, no other information, so i must click on each to search what i want (and sometimes i don't remember me why i bookmark this player or this team...)

Same thing when we put in bookmark some players to supervise them in order to buy one of them... not easy, the bookmark give no information, and no resume of players.

So i think that bookmarks win in interest and easy use if we can see in bookmark page, a board with major informations about player (age, position, club, sell price, end date of sell, ....). same thing for team, staff and match, bookmark can present a resume of them, what help to better and fastly use bookmark.

alone to think that ?

From: Kukoc

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118144.3 in reply to 118144.2
Date: 1/25/2010 6:35:08 AM
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I would love more bookmarks. I guess servers just can not handle more. I still use excel to memorize what my bookmarks are for :P

From: Kivan

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118144.4 in reply to 118144.3
Date: 1/26/2010 4:31:26 AM
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yes, I remember a while ago there was a suggestion which I also backed up that was in the lines of giving some space for users to write down a sentence or two regarding the bookmarked player. Same number of chars as for the player quote would be enough.

Too lazy to use excel)) and don't even have it, openoffice calc