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Suggestions > Another Enthusiasm Suggestion

Another Enthusiasm Suggestion

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From: brian
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Date: 1/12/2008 5:45:30 PM
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There's been plenty of debates for and against enthusiasm in the game. I lean pretty heavy towards removing it altogether. Though recently I came up with an idea that I like, maybe more, than removing it altogether. This would require an overhaul to the current system which I believe would make it more realistic and more in tune to the idea of team morale. Here's my key suggested changes:

1 - Remove TIE I can't EVER see a manager telling his players to just go out and not play hard in competitive games. Say its the last game before the playoffs and you cant gain or lose, in real life the coach just pulls key players early and lets the backups get time. This is already being done in BB due to the importance of rotating players for game shape and getting trainees minutes.

2 - Reduce, slightly, the effect of CT on games and its effect on overall enthusiasm There's lots of "big games". Games against rivals, almost all playoff games, games that are key to standings. I'd like to see managers encouraged to get their team revved up for the big games more often, rather than just waiting to use it for a very few games. Dilute the effect of CT, especially on the damage it does to your teams enthusiasm, and manager will be more poised to use CT for higher % of important games.

3 - Enthusiasm starts at 10, and after CT'ing settles back to 10, not 5, over time For example, you start the season at 10. Then CT a road game against a rival. Enthusiasm drops maybe 2 points, and recovers something like .5-.75 per competitive game (league/cup/playoffs). If you go to the CT well too many games in a row your team will suffer the effect of pushing it too hard. Plus, how many times in a short period of time can a coach really get a team up until the team is no longer receptive? (ex - see, Skiles, Scott)

4 - If you CT and win, Enthusiasm will drop less, maybe half as much Your coach just got your fired up for big game and you lost, suck! Your not quite going to get back up for the next big game the same way if you had pulled off a win in that game.

My favorite part of this is that it removes all the TIE posturing that is going on in the game. Mutual TIE's do have an effect on the game, and admittedly, I've agreed to mutual TIE's and will continue to since it will go on. BB shouldn't be about networking and getting people to mutual TIE, its not like that in real life so it shouldn't be here.

I also really like the idea of how this makes it easier for managers to use CT for the many big games we have every season, but does provide some detriment to managers that use CT and wear their team down.

Long post, but it's quite an overhaul. Thoughts, suggestions, criticisms?

Edited by brianjames (1/12/2008 5:50:08 PM CET)

Last edited by brian at 1/12/2008 5:50:08 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
12303.2 in reply to 12303.1
Date: 1/12/2008 6:11:30 PM
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long post - short answer!


At the moment the CT is like having a joker in your hand.... only when CT plays CT is it interesting...

your suggestion gives a more meaningful and long term use rather than looking thu fixtures and saying.. right lose lose win win must win dont mind losing.... each game should be a winnable game either by tactics, skill and enthusiasm... if it continues as it is then the enthusiasm barometer can trump the managers better tactics and players if he has previously CT'd a game....

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12303.4 in reply to 12303.1
Date: 1/13/2008 5:26:40 PM
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So '10' is the new '5' ?

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12303.5 in reply to 12303.4
Date: 1/13/2008 7:03:45 PM
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There'd be no TIE to increase enthusiasm upward. Enthusiasm stays at 10 until you CT (which, as proposed, had a noticeably lower effect on the game and the drop in enthusiasm).

Kind of like how a team starts the beginning of the season. Clean slate, recharged and with fresh goals for the season ahead. Over the season pushing too hard (CT'ing too much), losing, etc, wear down the team.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
12303.6 in reply to 12303.1
Date: 1/14/2008 12:31:51 AM
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Flawless in my opinion.

This Post:
12303.7 in reply to 12303.1
Date: 1/14/2008 4:14:48 AM
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This is something I really think would benefit the game.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: CrazyEye

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12303.8 in reply to 12303.1
Date: 1/14/2008 11:42:38 AM
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I don't like, because to TI games are an tactically element of the game, maybe you compensate this in your proposal with ct every second game but i like it so like it is today.

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12303.9 in reply to 12303.5
Date: 1/14/2008 4:30:03 PM
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There'd be no TIE to increase enthusiasm upward. Enthusiasm stays at 10 until you CT (which, as proposed, had a noticeably lower effect on the game and the drop in enthusiasm).

Kind of like how a team starts the beginning of the season. Clean slate, recharged and with fresh goals for the season ahead. Over the season pushing too hard (CT'ing too much), losing, etc, wear down the team.

Ah, so. I missed that part.

On OK change, but until CT becomes uncertain, it rates only a shrug from me.

You should not be certain that CT will work. Perhaps a one-third chance your team would not get the benefit, but you still take the enthusiasm drop. That would force coaches to really think about using up this resource.

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12303.11 in reply to 12303.9
Date: 1/14/2008 5:02:13 PM
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I guess I'm unsure of your position. Disregarding the recommendation, you prefer to keep enthusiasm as it is or not have any TIE/CT enthusiasm at all? Basically, which end of the spectrum of this debate are you?

I agree that CT shouldn't provide a certain result, that's why I brought this idea up. As proposed, the effect of CT on the game would be lessened, along with the resulting drop in enthusiasm due to CT'ing. CT would be a nice little boost to get your team up for the big game, but not the "nuclear" option that it is today (even with the recent lowering of effect on TIE, and CT, it's still a pretty big effect).

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -