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Buzzer Control - software

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From: gardier
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Date: 12/15/2009 6:10:20 PM
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Buzzer Control is a tool that helps you to get information about your team. You can download players skill, matches, etc.
It doesn't try to be a virtual manager, and I won't add an automatic lineup section, for example.
Players values by position are not reliable at all. You can change any skill value in "Options - Formulas".

To use it you must use in "Connect" section:
- your user name (the same that you use to enter in BB web)
- "Access Key" (that you must create in this web, left menu, Preferences").
If your user name has blank, change it by "%20". If it has some special characters, you need change it by other codes.

Any idea, suggestion, review, ... is welcome.
Enjoy it.

Best regards

Last edited by gardier at 12/15/2009 6:13:06 PM

From: gardier

This Post:
123208.2 in reply to 123208.1
Date: 12/15/2009 6:10:34 PM
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Actual version.

Complete list of changes:
- Addition: "Team - Lineup - Week", form in 'Total'
- Addition: "Training", sum when skill improves
- Addition: "Training", value depending of season
- Addition: "Training", value for age decreased
- Addition: "Training", value for one position decreased
- Addition: "Training", value for less than 48'decreased
- Addition: "Team - Players", salary information
. Bug: "League - Best team", date format

- Addition: "Transfers", players decode in retired teams

Backup before update.


Best regards

Last edited by gardier at 10/2/2010 6:19:37 PM

From: gardier

This Post:
123208.3 in reply to 123208.2
Date: 12/15/2009 6:25:22 PM
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From: shm

This Post:
123208.4 in reply to 123208.3
Date: 12/24/2009 4:35:01 AM
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first time the last version connected successfully but, when i tried to connect through 1.03 the second time it gives me error so i reinstalled the program then it connected i tried to connect a second time the same problem happened so every time i need to connect i have to reinstall the program.

From: gardier

To: shm
This Post:
123208.5 in reply to 123208.4
Date: 12/24/2009 11:35:47 AM
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What error does appear?
A screenshot would be useful.

Best regards

From: atabakin

To: shm
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123208.6 in reply to 123208.4
Date: 12/24/2009 8:10:28 PM
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first time the last version connected successfully but, when i tried to connect through 1.03 the second time it gives me error so i reinstalled the program then it connected i tried to connect a second time the same problem happened so every time i need to connect i have to reinstall the program.

I had this problem at first. The fix is that you have to type in your access key each time. If you have selected "Save Security Code," it won't sign you in properly. That's my best guess for your problem, but if it doesn't apply for your situation I don't know what else to suggest.

From: shm

This Post:
123208.7 in reply to 123208.5
Date: 12/25/2009 8:52:53 AM
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by the way atabakin i tried your way and it didn't work i still have the problem

Last edited by shm at 12/25/2009 8:55:17 AM

From: Mr.Mac

To: shm
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123208.8 in reply to 123208.7
Date: 12/25/2009 10:31:06 AM
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I think the user can be the problem, for example, here I´m Mr.Mac but the user I need to join BB control is the one that I type to enter in BB, and that´s different from Mr.Mac

Othe option is password, which must be the Access key.

BB Control works, so check it out and enjoy the software ;)

From: shm

This Post:
123208.9 in reply to 123208.8
Date: 12/26/2009 7:29:49 AM
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i don't get what you are saying all my users are the same but the access key is different the BB password

This Post:
123208.10 in reply to 123208.5
Date: 12/29/2009 5:45:10 AM
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I have the same problem as shm !
HELP !!!

This Post:
123208.11 in reply to 123208.10
Date: 12/29/2009 11:19:13 AM
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What about firewall? When BC version changes, your firewall notes that it is a different executable, and if you don't give it rights, it will not connect.

Best regards