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Suggestions > Rival suggestion

Rival suggestion

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From: chihorn
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Date: 12/23/2009 2:57:33 PM
New York Chunks
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Here’s a suggestion to make the Rival issue more interesting, and perhaps more relevant to “rivalry”, and to generally enhance the enjoyment of the game for those who enjoy rivalries.

Right now, we are all assigned our rivals based on some sort of formula accounting for certain data (it seems like this includes number of games played against each other, relative team strength, etc.) I’m not proposing that this function be removed. But I’d like to see every team have the opportunity to express which team in their conference (or maybe even in their league) they want to have as their rival (this could be done as a scroll down menu on a Rival page) and to have this preference be part of the determination of which team should be designated as the Rival. Obviously, the determination should take team strength into consideration and not just automatically assign the Rival based on preference or else every team would try to get the worst team in the league as their Rival. But it could mean that if two teams both express a desire to be each other’s Rivals (either because they know each other and want to be competitive, or because they really don’t like each other and really think of the other team as a Rival, or because the teams have been in the same league for a long time and play a lot of tight games but never seem to be designated as Rivals due to the mystery calculation in spite of what they think has developed as a natural Rivalry, etc.), then they should almost automatically become Rivals (I express almost since there may be some odd collusion with this, so some checks should be in place, say prohibiting a 1st place team and an 8th place team becoming Rivals unless they’ve had a history of a minimum of x number of games against each other). And, in theory, we should be able to change our preference (and by extension our Rival) as late as a couple weeks into the season to account for new teams as we get to know each other, though not later than that so that a team can’t change Rival preference every time his team loses to his Rival.

I don’t know, maybe I’m making this too complicated. But I was inspired to this idea as a second-year team in a division without much of a “Rivalry” with any team yet, and finding a newly promoted team in the league who likes to talk smack. I’m very likely going to battling this team for 7th place since, on paper, we seem to be the two weakest teams in our conference, and yet we both have the same other team as our Rival (and of course this other team does not have either of us as his Rival since that team has been in the league much longer then our teams). It just makes sense that, since he’s starting the (to be fair, friendly) smack talking, and we have comparable roster strengths, that we should somehow be able to make our games have even more at stake by being each others Rivals.

Any thoughts on the viability of implementing something like this?

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
From: LA-Nir

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124759.2 in reply to 124759.1
Date: 12/23/2009 5:08:38 PM
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i am not sure if this will be posible but what i do whant to see is that every 2 teams will be etchother rivles as i see it right now i have 3 teams in my confference that are rivles of the other teams 3 teams and no one is in rivle with them and 2 teams that are with one rivle

my point is that is rarly see that both teams are the rivles in the NBA you have the lakers and boston thy both want to win that game for the fans in buzzer you have the lakers want to win the game but boston have clevlend as there rivle the next game so thy will not give as much effort this game if boston will be the rivle of the lakers as well as the lakers will be the rivle of boston you will have 2 teams who want to win that game

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain
From: chihorn

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124759.3 in reply to 124759.2
Date: 12/23/2009 11:17:39 PM
New York Chunks
Overall Posts Rated:
I can see how one team can be seen as the rival of several teams. How many baseball teams think beating the Yankees is the best thing they could do and, after all, what other team would the Toronto Blue Jays see as a bitter rival, more bitter than the Yankees? But everyone knows that the Yankees true rival is the Red Sox. But the way that many teams with multiple "rivals" get that way is typically by winning getting the reputation of winning, so it's a big deal to beat the King of the Hill, or at least some other team you think is ordinarily better than your team. (Maybe a team's Fan Survey should have a big jolt upward after a "big win" against a superior opponent, and a similar big drop after losing to an inferior team. But that's for a different Suggestion thread...) Here, I'd hate to have to beat a perennial powerhouse to get credit for beating a rival. In the case of BB, it is certainly better that a rival also be a team that would play a close and exciting game, one that is similar in roster strength.

But your main point I think is generally a good one, and part of what makes the rivalries in the game often the point of criticism since they very often don't necessarily make the most sense.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!