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Date: 12/23/2009 5:24:13 PM
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I know that most of you don't know me, others I think that hate me (The only fact that I think for my defeat, because I made a great speech and debate and I lost without knowing why,and I hope that you won't regreat about who you voted because in all debate Mr.Ali don't said even a word or plans for Malta AA Team, but it's not the main reason that make me go until your Forum) and I know BMX a little.

The main reason that brought me to here is that I think that most of you don't know the basics of Buzzerbeater, and I just want to help you, so I will put here the basics of Buzzerbeater (I put already in BB-Malta but none of you said something, so I decided to put here)

I hope you enjoy it.

P.S- although I lost 2 tmes in elections, don't mean that I don't want evolve the beautifull country of malta

I hope you make coments at least in this forum :)

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/23/2009 5:37:24 PM

This Post:
124779.2 in reply to 124779.1
Date: 12/23/2009 5:25:06 PM
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Players for U21 National Team


Management of your team


- Level 5 Coach at least.
- Doctor at least Level 2 with speciality if possible.


- Always play @ least 48 min\Week.
- Don't play more than 80min\Week (carefull with injuries).

The goal is to keep the player always in great game shape (strong at least)

Players out of shape will never play.


-The player as to train every week.
-We prefere 1 positions training, maximum 2 positions.
-Our coaches have to be informed every week (from friday to Sunday).
-The player plan has to be sent to the coach of U21 Malta Team . He can help you in order to make your player a better player.

Minimum Potential: Level 5 for Outside and Inside Players

We will make a big effort fot the shortlist be updated, so please send your players skills by BB-mail for The Mlata U21 coach

Aizenbro (89182)

(Aizenbro said for put this one for the U21 Malta team)

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/23/2009 5:25:55 PM

This Post:
124779.3 in reply to 124779.2
Date: 12/23/2009 5:27:28 PM
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The age that a player should training is simple...the younger your player is, the skills will increase more, howerer no one can say how far a player could training.

About the operation of the training, unlike Hattrick, the players don't training all the same way. One of the cases is the height


One player with 7'2 height will training better rebounding, Inside Shot, Shot Blocking and Inside Defence faster that a player with 5'11, while the 5'11 will training faster handling, passing, Outside defence, Jump shot or Jump range

The types of training existing


NOTE 1 = In the explanation of the training will appears:
1) First training (the skill that will be more intensively exercise)
2) Secondary training (Skills that will be training but with low percentages, however it happens just like you will see in your exercicses)

Team traiining

Game shape : increases the shape of your players
Free throws : increases the skill of Free throws
Stamina : Increases stamina (Note: affect negatively the game shape)


1) Outside Defense
2) Handling, Inside Defence and Driving

Ball Handling
1) Handling
2) Driving (80% of the handling velocity)
3) Passing


1) Passing
2) Handling
3) Driving

Jump Shot
1) Jump shot
2)Jump range + Driving+Inside shot

Outside Shooting

1) Jump Range+Jump Shot
2) Penetração

One on one

1) Driving
2) Handling
3) Jump Shot

1) Rebounding
2) Shot Blocking + Inside Shot + Inside defense

Inside Scoring:

1) Inside Shot
2) Shot Blocking + Inside Defense +Jump Shot

Shot Blocking
1) Shot Blocking
2) Inside defense + Inside Shot + Rebounding

Inside Defense

1) Inside Defense
2) Rebounding + Inside Shotr +Shot Blocking+ Outside Defense

Unlike Hattrick, In buzzerbeater for the training be more rentable, is not training thoroughly one skill. No. In Buzzerbeater for the training worth it is not training monoskill players, but multiskill players, or in ohter words, training several skills.

For take the maximum efficiency of a player training, that player at least must play 48 minutes in the trainable positions, however if the players plays more than 75 minutes for week, his game shape will decrease.

The training DON'T depend the number of players trained, BUT THE NUMBER OF POSITIONS TRAINED. More positions you trained, less efficiency the training will be.


In case of Handling, NOTE (works equally in all training except the team training), If you train just the PG you will have a more efficiency train than you train PG/SG, and if you train PG/SG/SF the training will lose more efficiency.

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/23/2009 5:27:53 PM

This Post:
124779.4 in reply to 124779.3
Date: 12/23/2009 5:31:12 PM
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Perfect height for each posiition

(Don't mean that if they are out of the height that I'm saying they don't training)

Point Guard
: 5'9 to 6'1
Shooting Guard: 5'11 to 6'6
Small Forwards: 6'3 to 6'9
Power Forwards: 6'7 to 6'11
Center: 6'10 to 7'5

First of all you need to to this:

1 -Coach level 4 (less that coach level 4, even if you training one player until he have 30 years old but you have a coach level 3 for example don't worth it)

- Maximum age for train players is 21 (depends the potencial of all)

3-Have multiple players that you can train (by that I mean if you have 2 players you train 1 position, if you have 4 players you train 2 positions)

(the 3rd point is essencially economic, because the weekly salary will increase a lol and you will realise one time that you must need to sell some of that training players for reach a positive economy in your team).

PG- Is the brain of the Team and the Assist Leader.You must train mainly Outside Defence and passing, next dribling,Jump shot, then Jump range and Driving and In last case the secondaries (I mean Inside Defence, Inside Shot and Rebounding).

SG- The shooter of the team, the guy that more probably is the Leader in Points . You must train Jump Shot, Outside defense and Jump Range, then handling driving and passing, them in last case secundarias (Inside Shot, Inside Defence and Rebounding)

SF- Is the more complete player of you team, he makes rebound, points inside and outside and in other cases assist. You Must train All!!!! First Outside and Inside Defence, then Jump Shot, Inside shot and Rebounding and then Handling, passing , Jump range, etc...

PF- It works like a Center in some cases, but the diference between the 2 of them is that PF have secondaries unlike the C
You must train Inside Defense, Inside Scoring and Reboundng, then Jump shot, Outside defense and handling and them Jump range and passing.

C- The Rebound Leader and Powerfull player. You must train Inside Defense, Rebounding and Inside Shot, then you train Secondaries (Like Outside Defense, Handling, etc...)

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/23/2009 5:32:04 PM

This Post:
124779.5 in reply to 124779.4
Date: 12/23/2009 5:35:14 PM
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The tutorial is over.

These are the basics of Buzzerbeater, I hope you like it :)

(I don't made all this for in next election vote me, NO, because I will not run for U21 Malta Team because I think that Aizenbro is Making a great job. I made this because If I put this, the users will evolve faster and the community will develop at a great way. In a quick resume I made all of this because I'm worried about Malta and I want that Malta in 2/3 seasons be a Nation between the top 50 :)).

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/23/2009 5:38:19 PM

This Post:
124779.6 in reply to 124779.5
Date: 12/24/2009 10:05:10 AM
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thanks for tutorial


This Post:
124779.7 in reply to 124779.6
Date: 12/24/2009 12:14:55 PM
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You are welcome my friend ;)

Merry christmas for all :)

Last edited by Coach de bancada at 12/24/2009 1:39:34 PM

This Post:
124779.8 in reply to 124779.7
Date: 12/24/2009 1:44:56 PM
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You are welcome my friend ;)

Merry christmas for all :)

merry christmas for you

This Post:
124779.9 in reply to 124779.8
Date: 10/15/2012 6:42:47 PM
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Hello guys... I'm not doing interviews anymore, now I wanna start with something else, .... I'll add the new page on my site,and on that page will be published stories from other managers ....You can write story about your BB career,or anything else related to this game.....Introduce yourself and your team to the world:).

managers who are interested,just need to contact me...more details about this via BB Mail:)

Also,i will add page Press Releases,managers just need to write press release and send to me,I will publish it on my site:)....
This is for all,for managers who have a supporter and for those who do not have a supporter!

Thank you...

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124779.10 in reply to 124779.6
Date: 11/30/2012 9:13:21 PM
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Where is the NT Coach of Malta?!!!

Are all these guys joking for the country? If you can't insist on managing the team, why you run for the position?!>

What fuck it is!

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124779.11 in reply to 124779.10
Date: 12/2/2012 1:20:23 PM
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Tajba wara nofsinhar. I am l-amministratur tal-klabb Russu Lokomotiv-Kuban. Kif klabb kowċ kien kapaċi malajr vantaġġ tat-tim tagħhom fil-League Super, u issa l-intenzjoni li tiddikjara ruħha fuq il-livell ta 'timijiet. Molodzhenaya tim tiegħek għandu u jistgħu jwettqu aħjar minn hekk. Poġġi bet fuq il-tattiċi progressiva u l-mudell logħba jattakkaw. I se jkunu f'kuntatt ma 'l-amministratur aostoyannom kull kandidat fl-NT