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This Post:
125414.2 in reply to 125414.1
Date: 12/28/2009 10:36:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
As a Private League it might be interesting.

From: Boogz

This Post:
125414.3 in reply to 125414.1
Date: 12/28/2009 10:51:45 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I assume it is PL. In that case I am interested.

From: Saints

This Post:
125414.4 in reply to 125414.3
Date: 12/28/2009 11:06:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
There is no other way as PL, iam agree too, but mod -boogz is not so strong club, so maybe after couple of years, he will be ready to challenge with us-joke:D

This Post:
125414.5 in reply to 125414.1
Date: 12/28/2009 11:08:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm interested to play in this league

This Post:
125414.7 in reply to 125414.6
Date: 12/28/2009 1:26:27 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
BBBL (Baltic BuzzerBeater League)
Supporters only

(Hetkel 27 võistkonda)
Reiting seisuga 24.02.2010

Durex Lubricants (50226)
League: Kõrgliiga
Country Rank: 2

BC St. Patrik (50171)
League: Kõrgliiga
Country Rank: 3

Panzerfaust (50238)
League: II.4
Country Rank: 9

BC RV (50332)
League: Kõrgliiga
Country Rank: 13

BeatBallers (50307)
League: II.2
Country Rank: 17

BC Trail (122453)
League: II.4
Country Rank: 28

LaLunaBasket (122498)
League: II.3
Country Rank: 32

Bc Nõmme (50197)
League: II.4
Country Rank: 36

BC Rakke (50288)
League: II.4
Country Rank: 37

sipelgad (50188)
League: II.2
Country Rank: 46

KK Sepise (50311)
League: II.1
Country Rank: 49

BC Zapiivo (122669)
League: II.3
Country Rank: 51

Kalaranna Doris (50279)
League: III.14
Country Rank: 56

GAG vilistlased (123130)
League: III.16
Country Rank: 78

Tartu Sock (122484)
League: III.8
Country Rank: 80

Bc Tuudi (122384)
League: III.4
Country Rank: 90

ONeal 32 cool (122123)
League: III.14
Country Rank: 100

BC Ruhnu HÜLGED (122895)
League: III.2
Country Rank: 101

DeLaSerna Basket (122909)
League: II.2
Country Rank: 102

Torud (122838)
League: III.8
Country Rank: 126

BC Maska (123016)
League: III.4
Country Rank: 129

Alatskivi Laks (122205)
League: II.4
Country Rank: 131

Kõljala (122937)
League: III.5
Country Rank: 137

Aida Gäng (122397)
League: III.13
Country Rank: 160

Virula Warriors (122780)
League: III.8
Country Rank: 161

DIESELS (50419)
League: III.8
Country Rank: 283

BC Kossustaarid (123109)
League: IV.62
Country Rank: 939

. . . .

Turniiri ülesehituse kohta saab lugeda siit: (125414.90)
Kes on huvitatud, andku teada, lisan siia nimekirja. Liigadesse jaotatakse tõenäoliselt riikide reitingu järgi (selle järgi reastan ka siia) ja iga uue kuu alguses ka uuendan seda..Liiga planeeritav algus on 26.märts.

NB! Sama nimekiri on üleval ka BBBLi ametlikus födes!

Last edited by Lucky Fan at 2/26/2010 6:33:17 AM

This Post:
125414.9 in reply to 125414.7
Date: 12/28/2009 3:33:57 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
pane mind ka sinna listi. PL saab parajalt veebruari lõpus läbi.

From: BIG O

This Post:
125414.10 in reply to 125414.7
Date: 12/28/2009 3:53:49 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sooviks ka kirja panna. Selleks ajaks saan omale suporteri kindlasti. Nii, et võid minuga ka arvestada:)

From: Mulk

This Post:
125414.11 in reply to 125414.7
Date: 12/28/2009 4:21:32 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ohai, Zapiivo peab sea ikka mängima. Balti riike seob õlu väga tugevasti. :)
Seega olen huviline.
Kui toetaja ka otsa peaks saam, eks võtan pangalaenu ja ostan juurde. :)