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Height for each position

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Date: 1/1/2010 4:11:01 PM
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It would be appreciated if someone could tell me the guidelines for how much height a player needs to play each position?



Last edited by Chiragsta at 1/1/2010 4:11:15 PM

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126163.2 in reply to 126163.1
Date: 1/1/2010 5:01:44 PM
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Height does not affect the actual gameplay, but it does have an impact on training... as a basic guideline, for example if you're training big men, a 7-3 big man will train a bit faster than a 6-8 one. For guards, it is the same concept... but the shorter the guard, the more fast he will train in the guard skills.

Hope this helps

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126163.4 in reply to 126163.3
Date: 1/1/2010 7:13:44 PM
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Shaq, as already stated by Dangereagle, height is unimportant in the matches.

Only when it comes to training, it makes a difference.

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.
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126163.7 in reply to 126163.6
Date: 1/2/2010 12:48:59 PM
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Still it's wrong to say that a Center SHOULD be taller than xy or that a guard SHOULD be smaller than yz.
It just doesn't matter because only the skills make the difference between good and bad.

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.
From: rcvaz

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126163.8 in reply to 126163.6
Date: 1/2/2010 12:50:06 PM
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I haven't seen all of Shaq's posts but I can see he's got no room for error! I think he was just stating guidelines for the usual heights, but I think they can be extended a little bit.

When it comes to training, height plays a role, but you occasionally see 6'10 guards and 6'7 centres. As for the ranges you gave, I would say guards can go up to 6'6 or 6'7 (you don't have any players between 6'3 and 6'6!), and often you will find good 6'9 or even 6'10 centres. There's no need for the C to be the tallest guy in your line up, even more now that you can swap players' positions on offense and defense.

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126163.10 in reply to 126163.6
Date: 1/2/2010 4:43:59 PM
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If you guys want me to stay out of the forums I'll stay out.

I have stayed out of the Shaq debate/baiting but I do think it might be better for everyone if you stayed out of the help forum or at least only asked questions rather than trying to answer them. Every thread you post in becomes tension filled after you post. Whether its your fault or not you significantly derail threads after you post answers to questions.

If you do feel the need to post responses to questions I may suggest the following:
1) Look to see if someone has already posted an accurate answer. If yes, then don't answer.
2) Read the question carefully before responding to make sure you understand what is being asked. If you don't then don't answer. If you do answer, make sure you're answering the question being asked.
3) Ask yourself if you're 90%+ sure about your answer. If not, don't answer.
4) Ask yourself if your opinion on the question is the result of a misreading of the rule book or your own experience. Check to see if your experience is enough to answer the question (i.e. one game playing princeton against a bot team is probably not enough of a sample size to form an opinion on it). If you're answering based on thorough experience or a reasonable theory relying on experience and discussions on the forum then feel free to answer. Make sure you qualify that answer (i.e. "This is just a theory based on the half dozen times I've played 1-3-1 but I think....".
5) If your answer is wrong take responsibility for it, learn, move on. Do not freak out on other posters, do not make up elaborate lies about siblings, just admit you're wrong, ask yourself why you were wrong and learn from it.

My enjoyment of the help forum has significantly decreased due to the way posts get Shaqed (both by you, and by people looking to correct/berate you).