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Only 1 pop in a week?

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Date: 01/08/2010 15:38:42
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I have level 4 (advanced) trainer.

I have 2--19 year old (perenial all-star) Centers.
I have 2--19 year old (all-star) Centers.
I have 1--25 year old (all-star) Center.

I trained Rebounding and only got 1 guy to pop out of 5.
The 25 year old is back-up and I expect very few if any pops this season. So I thought at least 2 pop.

In a whole week of playing and setting up training isn't this a little lame and boring? One guy grows?

If I train them in rebounding again next week do you think 2-3 of then will pop?

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127189.2 in reply to 127189.1
Date: 01/08/2010 15:44:51
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I've trained rebounds for a couple of weeks with just one or two pops, but this week (third one), I got three. My guys were all between 18 and 21...

From: Kivan

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127189.3 in reply to 127189.1
Date: 01/08/2010 15:49:20
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read the "training speed analysis" thread
there you will find your answers
and yes, what happened to you is normal.
sometimes you get 1 pop sometimes none sometimes 6

From: Coach1111

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127189.4 in reply to 127189.3
Date: 01/08/2010 15:55:29
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Ok thanks...Would it be ok to train ID next week and then the following week go back to rebounding? Mix it up?

Last edited by Coach1111 at 01/08/2010 15:59:18

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127189.5 in reply to 127189.1
Date: 01/08/2010 16:00:17
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In a whole week of playing and setting up training isn't this a little lame and boring? One guy grows?

isnt it boring when you are training your players and you know exactly when they gain extra skill? I think it is more fun and less boring not knowing exactly when they gain new skills :)

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127189.6 in reply to 127189.5
Date: 01/08/2010 16:05:25
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2-3 players to pop would be nice at least when your trainer costs 2 1/2 times as much as your most expensive player. And he has young players with good potentials (for my league). But Im sure next week I will get 2-3 pops. No biggie.

Last edited by Coach1111 at 01/08/2010 16:06:09

From: Kivan

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127189.7 in reply to 127189.4
Date: 01/08/2010 16:05:44
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that's your decision to make.
I usually rotate IS-ID-Reb but sometimes train the same thing for 2 weeks...
but as I said, it's up to you to decide

From: Coach1111

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127189.8 in reply to 127189.7
Date: 01/08/2010 16:07:05
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I think I will rotate it like you do seems best as some skills help to pop others.

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127189.9 in reply to 127189.4
Date: 01/08/2010 17:23:10
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Coach: Many managers recommend—with good reason—to rotate the training. One thing to remember when training "bigs" is one of the secondaries of rebound training is inside defense. On the other hand, inside defense does not train rebounding...

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127189.10 in reply to 127189.9
Date: 01/08/2010 17:40:11
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Yeap, but ID trains IS. Thats what happened to me today. My routine is:Train 1 skill until all 5 of my trainees get a pop up. Then next skill etc.

For the big men trainers. Dont forget to train JS some times. Its a very nice 2ndary to have and relative easy to train. Also it trains IS too. Actually when i have trained JS 1 of my players got double pop up. JS/IS