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totally confused!

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From: Lambaw
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Date: 1/8/2010 5:59:24 PM
Team Fusio
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Hi everyone

Im still new to all this and seem to be struggling in my second full season, having gained promotion in my first season I have tried to concentrate on training 2/3 players isolating them at either pg or sg. I am just wondering if by doing this I may yoyo between divisions until they are fully trained up? this year I got a couple of good draft picks Tilly at centre and Ellsworth (only 18 but good initial skills) but dont see how I can train them all up. Is it better to ship someone out or try and train them all upto a reasonable if not fantastic level?

any advice would be greatly received

thanks in advance :o)

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
127205.2 in reply to 127205.1
Date: 1/8/2010 6:45:50 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
concentrate on few players on ttraining, which should fit into the same training regime.

From: JohnnyB

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127205.3 in reply to 127205.1
Date: 1/9/2010 4:10:59 AM
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From a quick check to your team iv seen that you have trainable players everywhere, but its not efficient to try to train all of them. Its better to focus on your guards for example, (PG/SG) 5 players, sell some others with upside and with that money buy some veterans to cover the positions that you dont train. It takes awhile to develop those youngsters but its well worth it. After 2-3 seasons you will have some great guards, selling 1 of them, buy a big man that you need. This is the basic idea of the game.