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From: ClipCap
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Date: 1/10/2010 1:23:58 PM
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I posted this in the wrong forum, so this is my attempt at moving it, AS I WAS JUICED!!! lol

So I guess the best way to put this question is, which is the more efficent way to develop your team?
5 players 18\19 & train the needed areas as purtains to there position or focus for 2 seasons on inside or outside, get that as high as you can & then work on the other area for 2 seasons?
Is the window of development that small that the 2nd option would be better or is there enough time to do both at the same time?
Any thoughts are much appreciated.

Right is not a popularity contest!
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127425.2 in reply to 127425.1
Date: 1/10/2010 5:21:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
concentrate on a bunch of trainne 3 for single position training, or 5/6 for two position training. Sell sometimes 1-2 of the trainee, and buy quality in the other position from that money + the visitor income.

Starting to switch the training every week betwenn front and backcourt isn't good, because young talented player always have an value for beeing young and talented in the weeks you don't train them they loose value - which means you loose money you paid for them when you get your trainees.