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Does it matter where a player is from?

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From: 3ball
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Date: 01/10/2010 21:30:13
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I thought I read somewhere once that native players helped out with your national appeal and ticket sales. Am I wrong in that?
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127462.2 in reply to 127462.1
Date: 01/10/2010 21:32:56
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You are correct. 'Hometown' players increase your merchandise revenue.

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127462.3 in reply to 127462.2
Date: 01/10/2010 22:34:10
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But not so much that it is worth going out of your way to keep them. There are much better ways to get money.

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127462.4 in reply to 127462.3
Date: 01/11/2010 07:54:35
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I experimented with a full USA roster this season. I had a decent team last season, good enough to compete in my league, not good enough to promote, so I made the switch. It's been hard to fill the roster, no doubt, USA players are expensive.

Would I be better served to scrap that experiment? Or keep with it since I already have all USA players, although a couple of better ones are still needed?
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127462.5 in reply to 127462.4
Date: 01/11/2010 08:20:48
Aussie Pride
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In an ideal world you would have all home grown players on your roster. However the performance of your team should always come first. The boost from merchandising isn't enough to sacrifice team performance. A couple of foreign players wouldn't affect merchandise much but could make your team a lot better. Seems like a simple choice to me.

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127462.6 in reply to 127462.4
Date: 01/11/2010 08:47:09
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You would get better players for cheaper if you didn't just get USA players. Also lets say your merchandise drops from 30k to 10k, you are going to make a lot more than that from the fans you will get because your team will be a lot better and win more games and so have greater attendance.

Winning > Having local players.
