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Date: 01/11/2010 23:18:32
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Just curious what peoples thoughts on player ratings from during matches.

I had an interesting game this past week that I thought I would share. My starting center Momar Maja had a fantastic stat line and was matched up against a player with a 60K salary, that is 5 times more than Maja's current salary. Now Maja obviously had some factors that are against his rating, for instance he played all 48 minutes for obvious reasons. He also is not really suited to be a full time center as of yet. His training has just begun on the inside so I am really excited at the prospects of Maja's future.

With all that said I guess I can understand his poor rating but it seems odd.

I will take a 13 for 17 shooting performance, 7 assists, 13 rebounds and 3 of 5 three point shooting. Heck I will even take a 5.5 rating especially if this type of performance keeps occuring :)



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127581.2 in reply to 127581.1
Date: 01/11/2010 23:30:32
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Well, the other guy got 25 RB and scored 29 points, so that explains it to me. Your guy got outrebounded and the oposite number scored at will on him. It is a cumulative rating, right?

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127581.3 in reply to 127581.2
Date: 01/11/2010 23:35:14
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Agreed, but Maja also scored at will against him. Maja got a 5.5 rating while the guy he played head to head with got an 11 rating. When comparing stat lines they are really even other than rebounding. 7 assists is nothing to sneeze at either especially from the center position.

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127581.4 in reply to 127581.3
Date: 01/12/2010 01:06:02
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He did have 4 turnovers to go along with the 7 assists, and the offensive RB was 7-0. He got dominated on the boards. While 5.5 is kind of low it doesn't seem that far away from reality. The other guy's line really is much better, other than scoring.

From: JohnnyB
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127581.5 in reply to 127581.1
Date: 01/12/2010 03:05:45
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D is playing large role to the ratings. If your C has poor ID then his rating is expected.

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127581.6 in reply to 127581.1
Date: 01/12/2010 05:45:27
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I would argue the 48 minutes ruined the player rating. Notice your SG that played only 12 minutes and had 12.5 rating. Your opponent's center is REALLY good to have a 11.5 for 43 minutes. If I had to place a bet, I would guess your boy could use an increase in stamina. His stat line suggests he is very well rounded, just smokin' too many cigarettes at half time.

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127581.7 in reply to 127581.5
Date: 01/12/2010 08:35:00
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His inside defense is prominent, so it is pretty realistic to think he you are correct :)

Thanks for the responses everyone, just found it interesting. As per the stat lines, I would take Maja's any day. Only given the fact that the other player has a 60K salary and is clearly alot better as of right now. In the soon future I think Maja will be one hell of a SF/PF.

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127581.8 in reply to 127581.1
Date: 01/12/2010 10:16:25
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Rating have pretty less to do with performance, it is more a sign how good he is on certain positions in general. Sometimes it ain't perfect, and sometimes it looks weird because he had an perfect or wasted day on court.

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127581.9 in reply to 127581.8
Date: 01/12/2010 16:00:28
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Very true. I just thought I would share this case as it is pretty extreme.