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Arena attendance bug? (thread closed)

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From: Rice
This Post:
Date: 01/12/2010 06:43:21
Overall Posts Rated:
I don't understand this, on January 5 i had 90+% attendance, since then i've won all my games by blowouts but my attendance has been dropping.. Anybody know why this is?

Help please, thanks!

From: CrazyEye

To: Rice
This Post:
127604.2 in reply to 127604.1
Date: 01/12/2010 06:49:52
Overall Posts Rated:
maybe canberra was to unattractive, and the cup match uses a bit different formula in my eyes.

From: Monkeybiz

To: Rice
This Post:
127604.3 in reply to 127604.1
Date: 01/12/2010 08:59:53
Overall Posts Rated:
Well on Jan 5 you played Moe's Meteor which is currently ranked 4th.

Last match you played Canberra Storm which is ranked last in the league

Fans don't come to watch you play against losing teams.

This Post:
127604.4 in reply to 127604.1
Date: 01/12/2010 10:51:19
Overall Posts Rated:
If you still believe this is a bug, please use the Bugs forum.


NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live