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BB Canada > basic questions.

basic questions.

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Date: 1/24/2010 10:34:05 AM
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I searched through the forums but was unable to find any answers.
Do private league minutes count to training and revenue?
And is my HoF sf really not that good compared to others?
Weekly salary: $ 9 765 DMI: 54400 Age: 21 Height: 6'7" / 201 cm Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: strong Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: strong Outside Def.: strong Handling: prominent ↑
Driving: strong ↑ Passing: mediocre Inside Shot: respectable ↑ Inside Def.: strong Rebounding: average
Shot Blocking: average Stamina: respectable Free Throw: respectable Experience: awful
He trains in either forwards or guards lists in the training screen. this week he had good pop ups. I use a run and gun offense, is that the best way to use him? he has never had a game rating higher than 9.5 he's my starter and has gotten 48+ mins every week but one since i drafted him. I see the dmi and salaries of some of the other u21 and wonder what i might be doing wrong.

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129085.2 in reply to 129085.1
Date: 1/24/2010 10:59:38 AM
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As far as I know, private league games do no count towards training/GS minutes and do not provide revenue. Someone actually in a PL can probably confirm or deny that.

I think that's a really good SF. One of the elite SF trainers can probably give you a better idea of where their prospects are/were at 21, but I am curious what level trainer you're using and if you're one position training?

Great player. Even if he doesn't crack the national team you can definitely turn him into a player to build around.

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129085.3 in reply to 129085.1
Date: 1/24/2010 11:04:24 AM
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First off, priate leagues have zero revenue and the minutes do not count towards training. They are a chance to see what your 'A' squad can do in a match.

Gino looks to have a decent build at this point. I am curious if you are always doing one position training or multi. That would be the biggest difference, other than starting attributes. SF's are a real challenge to build but you have done a good job in my opinion. Keep doing what you are doing and then surrond him with some solid talent and you will be back in div II in no time.

Run and Gun is a good tactic but remember not to be to predictable, that is why I won last seasons playoff series.

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129085.4 in reply to 129085.1
Date: 1/24/2010 6:12:35 PM
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You may also want to check out the national team's offsite forum if you're not already a member. Some of the NT players have their stats posted so you can see what you should be aiming for. There are also some neat training guides and other discussions worth looking at.

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129085.5 in reply to 129085.2
Date: 1/24/2010 6:40:07 PM
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my trainer is lvl 6, exceptional, with a specialty in fitness. had him for two full seasons i think now. When you say one posistion training what do you mean? train at c or pg in the training screen?

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129085.6 in reply to 129085.5
Date: 1/24/2010 10:31:45 PM
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One position training is always at the top of the drop downs. For example if you choose to train inside shooting the drop down will have three options: Center - PF/Center - Team. The option for the center only is one position training, it trains faster than training the PF/Center option.

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129085.7 in reply to 129085.6
Date: 1/25/2010 7:48:57 AM
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thanks for the help guys