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Suggestions > Minute management

Minute management

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From: Plotts
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Date: 3/8/2010 1:58:43 PM
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Face it, the coaches suck. I think we need a better system of minute management. I realize doing this would result in better trained players and better overall GS, and it would take away some of the randomness of the game, but in any basketball league, coaches monitor their players minutes, and guys who are considered "6th man" or "would start on another team" always get more minutes than role players or just bench fodder.

Here is my proposal for setting your lineup:

Any Position
24-30 minutes 18-24 if leading by more than 12 in 4th
31-38 10-17 if leading by more than 24 in 3rd
39-45 3-9 if leading by 36 at half
45-48 0-3 if injury occurs

So for reserves, you can select who you want it to be and one of those four options, or have no reserve at all, same for backup. Just like now, you could just plug in the same player for all three spots so he gets 48 minutes.
The STARTER/BACKUP minutes would be co-dependent like in coach parrot. Basically the minutes have to add up to 48.

I'd like to even know if this is possible and if it's something the BBs have considered?

From: Kukoc

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133945.2 in reply to 133945.1
Date: 3/8/2010 5:21:31 PM
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Minutes are managed by starter-backup quality level difference, with stamina being the big contributor. I really dislike having a setting to actually tell the coach how many minutes someone has to play. If you have great starters with good stamina and lousy backups you will have problems managing minutes and game shape. That's how it should be.

From: Plotts

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133945.3 in reply to 133945.2
Date: 3/8/2010 6:51:46 PM
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That's very fair and true, but haven't you seen countless examples in real games where a coach is monitoring his players minutes and doesn't want him to go over 40 (or insert number here)?

From: Kukoc

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133945.4 in reply to 133945.3
Date: 3/8/2010 11:30:33 PM
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Yes there are some examples, where coaches give rest days to players (like we rest starters for scrimmages), I have never seen a game where the team is trailing by let's say 4 points with a minute togo in a game and the coach says "ok Nowitzki has played 40 minutes already, I will not insert him again. If there is a walkover, your starters will be rested anyway. You can also manage minutes by using faster or slower offence, defence -> thus making your players rest more or less. What happens if you get to overtime? Only play your bench? I'm sorry, but I think the game is a great challenge at the moment -> managing minutes is a big part of the challenge.

Last edited by Kukoc at 3/9/2010 4:44:24 AM

From: Plotts

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133945.5 in reply to 133945.4
Date: 3/9/2010 12:30:03 AM
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good point...

From: aigidios

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133945.6 in reply to 133945.4
Date: 3/9/2010 3:59:42 AM
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I dont know if should be big part of challenge something which seems so stupid like minutes managing. Just imagine how you explain this to your friend:
"Hey, there are so many things, exponential salary, so hard to handle skills, engine which could be applied to NBA Live and one of the biggest part of the game is the amount of minutes which will players spend on the field..."

I think the right think is not to set there amount of minutes, but at least if you would be capable to choose for the coach any priority. Sounds insane to me that his decisions are based just on players stamina.

Last edited by aigidios at 3/9/2010 4:00:40 AM

From: Kukoc

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133945.7 in reply to 133945.6
Date: 3/9/2010 4:48:40 AM
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Stamina, starter vs sub player quality, pace, fouls, game shape. Everything is not supposed to be simple.