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Suggestions > a few suggestions

a few suggestions

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Date: 3/11/2010 4:06:51 PM
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hi, first time i am here, and i got a few suggestions:

1) division mix up
i'd suggest that at the end of the season, the divisions gets mixed up a bit more. this will have 2 advantages:
a) you don't always face the same teams
b) the divisions strengh will be more balanced.

(example: say you've got team A, very strong team, who play in Great 8. and all the other teams in Great 8 aren't very strong. and in Big 8, you've got Team B, C, D and E, who are as strong as Team A, and the other teams are clearly stronger than the other 7 teams in Great 8. then at the end of the season, you'll get 4 new guy's in Great 8, cause Team A was able to save theirenthousiasme all the time, whereas teams in Big 8 had to fight for each of their victoies, resulting in Great 8 having the champion, and having 3 team relegated, and only the 8th team of Big 8 gets relegated...) if you were to balance the power out at the end of the season, then you'd face other teams, which will be more interesting. it would also solve the problem of the fact that Great 8 in y example will be occupying 6 of the first 8 places in the draft (and that is something that does happen in some league's...)

ofcourse, you'll have to find a good formula to balance out the divs then ( for instance, take teams 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, in Great 8, and add 3 promovendi to that div, and take teams 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13 + 1 promovendi and the guy comming down from the higher league)

it will also make things more interesting in the Div I of the countries, since they will have other opponents...
(i based my suggestion for Gret 8 and Big 8 on the reversed order of the draft...)

2) forum search function upgrade?

now, with all the threads, you often have people asking the same questions in simular threads... especially on the global english forum, i often see new thread being created because the people are either to lazy to hav a look at the other thread subjects, or go through the first 4 pages, can't find it their, and then think, ow heck, why would i go through the remaining other pages? i'll jsut create a new thread...

if their could be a possibility to search for a key word, in all the topics, that would really improve the use of the fora. this would not only prevent having 3 or 4 threads asking the same thing, making the fora not only more accesable for information, but it would also help out getting a bit more 'order' in the fora... cause as it is now, i sometimes find it a mess... and where as some people don't mind answering the same questions again and again, i know that their are others who do find it very annoying to see the same topic subjects popping up again and again, after which they show no more interest in the fora... as a mod personally, i don't mind it really. it's fun helping out others. but i know some friends who find it bothering to see the same theards popping up time after time ( such as when is the drafting closed, why am i not getting more draft information, even though i still invest in the draft, etc...)

so it might be interesting to help that out.

3) country rankings
i know that everyone has one. i am not interested in the formula how they are calculated, but i do know that i ( and alot of others too) would like to have the possibility to see who is ranked where at which position, to see who is ranked above you, and beneath you. And it would be cool if the top 5 or top 10 ranked teams in a country would show on country page when you click on it (it might be able to replace the part of where you see the name of the tournament, and the 5 links towards the nations first league and 4 second divisions leagues...)

i'll probably ahve more suggestions popping up, but that all for tonight anyway.



ps: congrats to those who keep comming up with the programming code to work out our suggestions! you guy's are doing a hell of a job!