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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Cant acces manage my team

Cant acces manage my team

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From: Luczor
This Post:
Date: 3/24/2010 11:18:08 AM
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When I click manage my team i get:

Some errors go away when you hit the back button and try again. If you continue to get an error, you can post about it in the bugs forum.
On the new site, the most common reason for this error is because you were trying to access a page that assumed you were logged in when in fact you were not (probably becuase your session timed out). So simply logging in and trying again might solve your problem. We are working on fixing this more elegantly.

Doesnt mind I use FF or IE.

Thanks or the help I hope.

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
137055.2 in reply to 137055.1
Date: 3/24/2010 12:21:37 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Can you please try again? I think it works now... Thanks.