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Suggestions > Supporter Suggestions

Supporter Suggestions

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From: Calum
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Date: 1/25/2008 9:55:21 PM
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Hello all. I've been playing BB for a while, and consider getting Supporter at some point. I have just started playing that "sokker" game. Although it is not as good as BB, there is an option in thier "plus" that i think would work very well in BB.

The one that i think would be great is this:

Training effects monitoring - You are able to monitor all changes to each player`s abilities, value and form.
Graphs - For each player staying in your club over the period of one week you can have displayed a graph with all changes to his abilities, value and form with data up to ten weeks.

I think something along this line would be great for working out proper training scheldules for your team.

I also think it would be one of the most powerful reasons to purchace the Supporter feature.

PS. They also can design thier own team jerseys. This also could be a very fun addition to supporter and i dont think the coding would be too hard (something like designing your own colour in Paint)

Please let me know what you think. :-)

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13737.2 in reply to 13737.1
Date: 1/26/2008 3:26:59 PM
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good points!

many of them will probably get implemented as the seasons pass by.

I think I read somewhere they already planned of putting in the jersey-design, but I'm not sure this will be one of the next features, or something for more in the future.

I also wanted to add an other suggestion to this tread:

designing your own home court. As we can follow our games live we all get an orange field, it would be nice if we could design a home court, and then when people play at a supporter's site, the game is shown in their home court field.

We can also have half time entertainment like dance teams, but we've already been there, and it's best I won't repeat myself about that. ;รพ

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13737.3 in reply to 13737.2
Date: 1/26/2008 8:47:23 PM
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oh yeah, that sounds like a really great addition.