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BB Cyprus > Introducing the new Season

Introducing the new Season

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Date: 3/26/2010 1:51:09 PM
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Welcome back everyone and lets hope for a good season both in the championship, tournament and NT. Not much can be said other than nearly all the teams are getting stronger and ready for the beginning of the season 12 starting on Saturday 27th of March.
In respect to Great 8 things tend to be more straight forward as Megalonisos was and still remains the strongest of all the teams including the newcomers. From what I understand all managers are trying hard to close the gap with the big team (Megalonisos) and achieve a place in the playoffs. On the other side in the Big 8 season 11 champions Cyprus fighters seem to keep the number 1 position while being followed semi closely by Passif Agressifs and BC teammate. We cannot exlude Keraynos who is season by season getting stronger and stronger.
A few problems have been seen at the beginning of this season that include:

1. Increase in each teams salaries, as they grow higher and higher making it even more difficult to keep monster players, in an attempt to create a respectable team. The answer? Build you arena, build build! Teams like Cyprus Fighters have the advantage of possessing NT players (more than one) and thus increasing their merchandise. Smaller teams will have a harder time keeping their bill balance under control. What will the outcome be? Perhaps the smaller teams will become weaker and weaker keeping only 6 or 7 respectable players at best.

2. As we have all observed the transfer market is going trough a sort of a phase since the values of players generally tends to lower, mainly for mid range players. This is considered to affect smaller teams once more since if they wish to sell mediocre players and buy a respectable one in their position it will cost them much more than in previous seasons. Best advise? Be patient and see how the transfer market stabilizes and furthermore train you players. Train, train, train.

3.New strong teams have entered the CBBA. This surely makes the championship more interesting but also harder. Achieving a win will become even harder and to do so smaller teams will have to use their best players thus sacrificing player training for winning a game. Will this affect the teams growth? Possibly.

4. Finally a battle has begun regarding the position of U21 NT coach. From what I see there are few managers interested in this position. Is it a good idea to have a Cypriot manager as the U21 NT coach? I am not sure. I tend to have second thoughts especially if the manager is also a manager in the CBBA. Could his position in the CBBA affect its judgement? Probably yes and maybe no. We shall see. What makes me worried a lot is the fact that perhaps the NT U21 coach will have extra information about players playing in opposing teams in his own league thus helping him fix its tactics and the most worrying part is wehter his judgement will be true about who deserves to be in the NT and who doesnt or will he be affected by personal interest. The only sure about having a foreign coach is that he cannot be affected since he is not participating in our championship. What can we do? We can wait and see who becomes the U21 coach and observe its methods.

5. Steve Makis keeps up the good work scoutinng new talents every single day. What will be the effect on our NT when he leaves for good in season 13? I dont even have words to describe my worries. Surely there is no one equal to Steve and his passion. Endless hours of searching and planning. Well by next season we shall know. Should the new NT be Cypriot? Once again I am not sure.

Well thats about it from me for the beginning of the new season. May the best teams win in the upcoming games!

Last edited by Pistoleros at 3/26/2010 1:56:02 PM

This Post:
137563.2 in reply to 137563.1
Date: 3/26/2010 2:04:41 PM
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Having the skills of some NT players doesnt give you that much of an advantage actually. Playing with the same teams all those seasons you can get an idea what a player can do anyway. Having exactly the skills doesnt give lots more information, considering that most of the teams having several foreigner players.

Of course an NT coach have some powers that can abuse, for example inviting a player that is not actually have NT interest just to get his skills, but then we will not elect someone who doesnt have good reputation...

This Post:
137563.3 in reply to 137563.2
Date: 3/26/2010 5:27:39 PM
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1. Bc Teammate
Anestis Feloukas, Isidoros Mastroyiannis, Stratos Sfaliaridis. Players that are used many times as starting line up.
2. Cyprus Fighters
Nikos Kerkidis, Vissarion Karalikos, Sakis Yiannakakos.
3. Kyriakos Bc
Dinos Veropoulos,Lenos Lemonitis, Thodoros Plexidas.
4. Syntaxer
Mathos Kritikopoulos, Stergios Ftaratos.
5. Bros456
Lakis Deligeorgiou, Tasoulis Charavgis, Ioannis Vasalas.
6. Ekleptismenoi
Nikos Chasodikis, Nikos Kamakaris, Ntinos Panousopoulos.
7. Pistoleroi
Dimitris Florakis, Demis Mpanis.
8. Megalonisos
Nikos Gagatsis.
9. Paphos
Konstantinos Patsoureas, Lenos Stiliaras.
10. Zeys
Thanos Gittas.

So you can see that nearly all the teams have Cypriot players in their starting line up. Which of these are U21 I did not check but if the U21 coach wanted he can have an advantage by knowing their weakness and strengths and change his tactics. Same goes for the NT coach next year of the big boys over 21.
I believe we should think about this very carefully cause nearly no one acts with out profit these days. So some will want to be NT and U21 NT coaches for the prestige, others for taking in the NT their own players or friends players and so on and so forth. I am still not sure if its a good idea to have a manager of CBBA as a coach.
If we decide to take in a foreign coach it doesnt mean he will not be a good coach. We shall pick someone who we believe is great and we shall ask whether he is interested in our NT. As simple as that. I belive we should talk it over with Steve and hear his opinion. If he agrees with the foreign coach maybe he knows someone good enough and willing to help.

Last edited by Pistoleros at 3/26/2010 5:28:03 PM

This Post:
137563.4 in reply to 137563.3
Date: 3/26/2010 5:31:56 PM
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You can vote everyone you like. I strongly believe that right now Cypriots have the proper experience to take over the NT's, and it doesnt bother me if anyone knows the skills of my players.

More important for me is the community, and i am sure that if one of us will be elected it will brings only good things, and it will really help the communication, something essential for me.

Last edited by JohnnyB at 3/26/2010 5:32:25 PM

This Post:
137563.5 in reply to 137563.3
Date: 3/26/2010 5:44:10 PM
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How do we state if someone has a good reputation? By its teams strenght? By the wins he makes? in which divisio he is in? By which games he has won? By how good his Cypriot players are? How energetic he is in the cyprus community? All the above? What are the criteria?
If someone is in division 2 it doesnt mean he is not a good coach, if someone losses games cause his team is not a super team it doesnt mean he is not a good coach. If someone made a gamble and it paid once it doesnt mean he is a good coach, if someone played the obious and it didnt work it doesnt mean he is not a good coach, if someone has a relatively new team and he is not winning it doesnt mean he is not a good coach. I assume we all agree on the above.

So what should the criteria be? Not by how much the skills of a player of his increase in a season as some managers train one position and other two positions but by how much he knows about tactics and training. How well can he anticipate how to train a player and reach him to his top limit. How well can he influence the rest of the managers to work their domestic players, how much he is respected in the community for his character, how wiling he is to help other and advise with out any interest. How well he understands tactics not just in approximations. All the above to me they state a brilliant coach worthy of the NT and any NT. And ofcourse how much time he is willing to sacrifice for the NT.

With a few words? STEVE MAKIS. I think the last 2 words says it all.

This Post:
137563.6 in reply to 137563.5
Date: 3/26/2010 5:48:50 PM
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ok. How will a Cypriot manager help the NT in a way a foreign one (for example Steve Makis) wouldnt? In what ways? You said communication. I assume you dont mean speaking in greek cause most of us speak english very well and the rest of us that do not, is not a problem cause we can give the coach a hand by translating. I dont think that is a problem.
How would we benefit?

This Post:
137563.7 in reply to 137563.6
Date: 3/26/2010 6:36:46 PM
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That conversation should be continued to the debate threat. Go ahead and discuss there.

This Post:
137563.8 in reply to 137563.7
Date: 3/29/2010 7:33:19 AM
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My personal congratulations to Christos (aka Ekleptysmenos).

When you will be on-line on msn I will send you the data base!

From: JohnnyB
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137563.9 in reply to 137563.8
Date: 3/29/2010 8:02:47 AM
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Congratulations Christos. Lets start the hard work!!!

From: C0ach
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137563.10 in reply to 137563.9
Date: 3/29/2010 8:17:13 AM
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Congratulations!! and good luck!!!

This Post:
137563.11 in reply to 137563.10
Date: 3/29/2010 11:19:24 AM
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Congrats Christo. Well done. Lets hope for a good start and an exceptional season!!!