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Height for SF Training

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Date: 3/28/2010 9:45:10 PM
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"Imagine SF as someone who bridges the gap between guards and big man". That's one of my favorite quotes I've read on one thread of BB forums so far. For me SF is very important position and can be the difference between winning and losing. Now, I want to "get my hands dirty" and try to create SF for my team. One thing I know is that training SF is a long journey. But, that's OK. I'm not in a rush. (my projected length is 5 seasons).

So, I have a question: What is the recommended height for SF's?
I have 3 players. One is 6'5", second is 6'6" and the third is 6'8". They are all 18y with superstar+ potential (I will probably need the potential cause SF needs good skills on "both ends" and I don't want to see my player quickly stopping his development, especially when I want to shift the training regime from inside to outside skills).

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138069.2 in reply to 138069.1
Date: 3/28/2010 10:16:07 PM
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hey there.
I am also planning on training a SF for the next few seasons.
My trainee is 6'7" with MVP potential

from my knowledge, yes SF's bridge the gap between Guards and big men. However there are outside and inside oriented SF's.

Either way, you should train both inside and outside defense, and try to make the player well rounded, but pick an inside or outside focus.

The 6'5" is good to train his guard skills, 6'8" can be more inside oriented, almost like a PF.
And the 6'6" in my opinion, looks like he can be great all around.

So its your call, but you should know if you didnt already that there are many options for you to play around with.

personally im trying to get my SF right in the middle for the first 2 seasons, then wih whatever times left over i may train up certain spots.

Good luck.

btw: if anyone wants to shed some advice for me aswell that be great.

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138069.3 in reply to 138069.1
Date: 3/28/2010 11:15:01 PM
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Why not train all 3.
Have 1 Inside focussed, 1 outside and 1 as balanced as possible.
Once trained play 1 at SG one at SF and 1 at PF :D

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138069.4 in reply to 138069.2
Date: 3/29/2010 3:28:16 AM
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And the 6'6" in my opinion, looks like he can be great all around.

I'm in a doubt with this height. He's too tall for guard training, and to short for big man training. Don't you think so?

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138069.5 in reply to 138069.3
Date: 3/29/2010 3:59:41 AM
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Why not train all 3.
Have 1 Inside focussed, 1 outside and 1 as balanced as possible.
Once trained play 1 at SG one at SF and 1 at PF :D

:) and win B3

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138069.6 in reply to 138069.4
Date: 3/29/2010 9:20:58 AM
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And the 6'6" in my opinion, looks like he can be great all around.

I'm in a doubt with this height. He's too tall for guard training, and to short for big man training. Don't you think so?

I don't know I've been training a guy that is 6'7" and yes his big man skills do train a bit slower, but I think it is a good height for a PF. You will be able to add on the couple of side skills for him to be good.

And just to let the guy know my 6'7" guy trained in big man skills for 2 seasons and just hit 13k salary at the start of this season. So I wouldn't expect him to train fast, but if you are switching skills back and forth during the season he will still steadily become better.

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138069.7 in reply to 138069.6
Date: 3/29/2010 10:25:05 AM
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Do you think superstar is enough potential for creating "star" SF? Cause he needs skills at both ends and I'm afraid with this potential this player could start to slow down at the moment I make the training switch towards the opposite set of skills.

Btw, I'm talking about getting a player similar to this:

JS 14+ JR 12+
OD 12+ HN 12+
DV 12+ PA 12+
IS 13+ ID 12+
RB 10 + SB 5+

is this possible with superstar potential?

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138069.8 in reply to 138069.7
Date: 3/29/2010 10:53:00 AM
Aussie Pride
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Well plugging those numbers into the salary calculator on the important threads page a player with those minumum skills will be on $80,553. The formula would have changed with the different salarys this season. But superstar will easily be enough to create a great SF.

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138069.9 in reply to 138069.8
Date: 3/29/2010 11:14:24 AM
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Well plugging those numbers into the salary calculator on the important threads page a player with those minumum skills will be on $80,553. The formula would have changed with the different salarys this season. But superstar will easily be enough to create a great SF.

Potential is more related to skills than salary.

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138069.10 in reply to 138069.9
Date: 3/29/2010 11:26:23 AM
Aussie Pride
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So how would that work? Each potential has a limit on the total skills a player can have before training slows?

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138069.11 in reply to 138069.10
Date: 3/29/2010 12:00:54 PM
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So how would that work? Each potential has a limit on the total skills a player can have before training slows?

Not quite sure, but I think that's the closest statement to BB reality. If someone knows different then please post.