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Training 2 totally different positions?

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Date: 3/29/2010 2:55:33 PM
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Is it okay to train at 2 different positions such as Guard and Center, alternating each week. Or is it just best to concentrate on one area such as Guards Positions and pickup a Center and PF, etc. with decent stats?

From: NS

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138216.2 in reply to 138216.1
Date: 3/29/2010 3:57:43 PM
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Best to have trainees in the same position - for example if you are training PG's then focus on making them better. Buy a C or PF. Or if you are training C then buy a PG or SG. Usually not a very constructive strategy to train C and PG alternating weeks with different players. Only real time you want to alternate training from inside to outside skills is if you are training a SF.
Hope this answers your Q.

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138216.3 in reply to 138216.1
Date: 3/29/2010 3:59:12 PM
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yes u can - for example u can train JS for PG and C - then u have to play ur C on PG position :) in scrimmage games :)

From: abigfishy

To: NS
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138216.4 in reply to 138216.2
Date: 3/29/2010 7:31:59 PM
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i disagree but it is for advanced users only

sometimes you may have a real stud who you want to make the best player possible, maybe even national or u21 team standard

so 100% of your training will be based around this guys needs

for example if your guy is a pf you will mostly be doing is, id and re obviously

however you may want to give him a little passing and js so i think it would be fine to play him as a guard for that training until he pops

however maybe i am just being picky, 99% of the time choose one position and train that

From: NS

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138216.5 in reply to 138216.4
Date: 3/29/2010 8:27:51 PM
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I agree that some managers do single position training with high potential good players, HOWEVER not many or ANY 5th league managers can financially afford single position trained players after 2 seasons (or even 4th league managers)

edit: sorry just re-read that, didnt mean to come off as rude.

Last edited by NS at 3/29/2010 8:29:48 PM