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Should I focus trainning on 2-3 players?

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From: Scipio
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Date: 3/29/2010 4:32:17 PM
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Hi folks,

I was just wondering if I should focus my trainning on only 2-3 players all season long and not train the others. Is it better to concentrate trainning on 2-3 players or train the whole team?

I say this because I have an MVP potential PF and a perenail all-star centre. The PF is 22 and the C is 18. I would like to concentrate on trainning them on their shot blocking, defending and rebounding so should I train these players all season and fill the rest of the team with players that don`t need or can`t be trained because of their age, maybe veterans.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.


From: Tortuga

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138240.2 in reply to 138240.1
Date: 3/29/2010 6:08:41 PM
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I think it's better at your level to train 5 players, focusing on two positions a week instead of one. That way you can improve your team and also have some players to sell for the cash you will need as you go up the English leagues.

Both those guys look trainable, so you should look into getting 3 more 18 year old PF/Cs . No need to break the bank since they don't need to be particularly awesome now in order to be valuable in a couple of seasons.

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138240.3 in reply to 138240.2
Date: 3/29/2010 6:18:26 PM
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if your guy is 22 then his potential is irrelevant because he will never reach it

i am assuming that you are a new team and my advice for new teams is to always train two positions

this will give you hopefully 5 good players by the end of the season if you keep the 2 you like the most and sell 3 you can buy a decent older player for each position you arent training

then next season add 3 more trainees to the 2 you kept and repeat

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138240.4 in reply to 138240.3
Date: 3/29/2010 6:23:28 PM
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Thanks to the two of you for your advice.

I have read that trainning 5 players a week means that those players are trained less well than if you only train 2 or three players. Is that so?

When you say two positions you mean PF and C. That`s what I am doing now in shot blocking. Are you saying that the 22 year old MVP isn`t worth trainning? If so that`s good ecause I can get some young PF`s and Cs and give them his trainning time.

Many thanks.

From: ZwwZ

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138240.5 in reply to 138240.4
Date: 3/29/2010 6:49:17 PM
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just a sidenote: smart lithuanians never train shot blocking...

From: abigfishy

To: ZwwZ
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138240.6 in reply to 138240.5
Date: 3/29/2010 7:24:29 PM
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yes if you do 1 pos training your guys improve faster and at the end of the season you will have 2-3 better players but no-one to sell so it depends on if you want a balanced team or a couple of stars

a typical big man training routine is 2 x is 2 x id 2 x re 1 x sb