phgainontas na kanw install ena paixnidi xreiastike na anoixw ena arxeio .exe me to notepad(megalh vlakeia)
kai apo tote ta panta pou einai se morfh .exe mou anoigoun me notepad
p.x paw na anoixw to mozilla kai mou to anoigei sto notepad me gramata,ari8mous,symbola ktlp ola anakatemena,
anti na me vgalei sthn arxikh selida tou browser
epishs oi eikones twn programatwn exoun antikatasta8ei apo thn eikona tou notepad
kai den exw idea ti na kanw,an sas exei symbei paidia voh8hste me an mporeite
8a rwthsete pws mpainw sto internet twra,eythxws pou eixa merika arxeia pou ama 8es ta anoigeis me to internet
Last edited by unforgiven at 3/29/2010 6:25:47 PM