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Role Player

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From: MacMade
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Date: 3/30/2010 4:43:53 PM
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I have a role player potential 22 years old. He has strong inside shot and I was wondering if he could pop his inside shot to perhaps prominent this season and if yes, about in how many consecutive weeks of training would I have to train him? Also, this 24 years old 6th man potential guy, he has awful ID, is it possible to make his ID up to respectable, if yes within approximately how many weeks?

From: rcvaz

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138434.2 in reply to 138434.1
Date: 3/30/2010 5:33:48 PM
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22 and 24 aren't the best when it comes to training. A 24 yo guy would take forever to gain 4 levels of OD, I predict it would take more than a season to do it. As for the other one, you're talking about going up two levels. It may only take some 5-6 weeks with one-position training, but maybe someone else will have better estimates. I've no experience training inside men