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minutes not correct

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Date: 3/31/2010 6:51:16 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
During my last game (20583154) I played with Boissevain as my C. He played the full 48 minutes, he was never substituted, not even for a second. I have watched the entire game. When I go to manage my team it says that he played 48 min but not 48+ and another player played 0 min. However when I go to weekly stats, Boissevain and another player have 48 minutes displayed at C. There is no number at C for the third player who does seem to get 0 minutes training on the main page. Is this a displaying error?

This Post:
138532.2 in reply to 138532.1
Date: 3/31/2010 1:21:27 PM
1986 Celtics
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are you concerned about the existence of the + or not?

this is most likely a presentation inconsistency due to some rounding error... its nothing you should worry about.. it is probably that the 48+ is only for strictly greater than 48, so if its exactly 48 it doesn't put the plus.

This Post:
138532.3 in reply to 138532.2
Date: 3/31/2010 1:22:54 PM
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That isn't right. 48 minutes exactly does show a plus.

This Post:
138532.4 in reply to 138532.1
Date: 3/31/2010 1:42:19 PM
1986 Celtics
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We have Boissevain having played 2855 seconds, and Robbers playing 25 seconds.

I think probably you just missed Robbers coming into the game briefly.

This Post:
138532.5 in reply to 138532.4
Date: 3/31/2010 3:23:06 PM
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Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
I went and checked the game, it seems I have spoken too soon. It does concern me however that this happened, can you maybe clarify something? I play with 9 players dressed for a game, 5 starters, with the position I'm training the starter is a reserve and back-up as well, his name is entered in both sections. The other 4 starters are not reserves or back-up, only starters and all 4 bench players will play only 1 position, back-up and reserve. Can you tell me why the player sub in for Boissevain at C, while orders are to: strictly follow depth chart, let them play. Boissevain was not injured, nor did he foul out. The coach is not allowed to substitute him because of the settings I had for this game. I know that normally when you reach a blow-out, 20 pts ahead in the 4th, it happens, but this was not the case.

And aside of that, shouldn't Robbers reflect a 0 then in weekly stats, because he did play at C-position?

This Post:
138532.6 in reply to 138532.5
Date: 3/31/2010 3:39:38 PM
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I believe in the weekly stats section that the minutes are rounded. Because he only played 25 seconds, that gets rounded down to 0. In the weekly stats section, players that have played 0 minutes don't get shown (that's why after 1 match there are players on your roster that aren't shown on the weekly stats page as they have played 0 minutes.

This Post:
138532.7 in reply to 138532.5
Date: 3/31/2010 3:42:16 PM
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As for why the player got subbed out, perhaps it is a stamina issue. It is possible that your player was just too tired to continue playing and so someone got subbed in for him. And I know 25 seconds isn't much rest, but that 25 second might have been at the end of a quarter, in which case he would get extra rest.

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138532.8 in reply to 138532.7
Date: 3/31/2010 4:07:03 PM
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Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
That goes against the entire principle of strictly follow depth chart and making sure there are no subs for him. However, you are not sure in your answer, I'm hoping someone who is can answer.

This Post:
138532.9 in reply to 138532.8
Date: 3/31/2010 4:16:38 PM
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It's not that I'm not sure, its more that I can't see what your players stamina level is. Setting Strictly follow depth chart doesn't gaurantee the player gets 48 minutes. As you mentioned, in blow out situations players can get subbed. Training is not supposed to be really easy. If you have low stamina, then players can, and do get subbed out. It's just like in real life, if your starter is out of breath then the coach ought to sub him out, the coaches job is to win games, not ensure you get training minutes.

This Post:
138532.10 in reply to 138532.9
Date: 3/31/2010 5:25:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
It was not a blow out. And the fact that he is his own back-up and reserve should keep him out there. Every other back-up was in the game, since there was hardly any time left and the win was in the bag. His stamina is sufficient. But once again, I'll wait for an official response instead of yours.

This Post:
138532.11 in reply to 138532.10
Date: 3/31/2010 11:15:43 PM
1986 Celtics
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Naker is correct.... the substitution algorithm is a fuzzy logic algorithm, so as to robustly handle all possible situations that could occur with various players in multiple depth chart positions, and various state of injury and foul trouble and blowouts, etc etc etc etc. As a result, strictly follow depth chart can be overruled if some of the factors the fuzzy logic takes in as weights are sent to regimes that are not normally covered... ie if your player is so incredibly exhausted that he has infinitesimal efficacy, the coach is gonna let him get some water.

Think of it this way.. your player passed out and had to be taken off the court for medical attention.. though he wasn't injured.

The substitution algorithm was not designed to optimize training, it was designed to be a realistic assessment of how a coach makes substitution decisions with some amount of managerial input.