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Suggestions > Revision of Finals Rewards

Revision of Finals Rewards

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Date: 1/27/2008 8:42:04 PM
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I think that the best of three finals provides teams the wrong incentives and should be changed.

While I tried not to win the second game in order to play the third game of the series (to obtain more attendance money and additional training), I was unlucky and managed to win it. That now makes two of the last three years where I have tried to lose game two of the finals and been unsuccessful. My solution for next year is to purchase three of the worst players off the TL to ensure that I do lose my second game next year.

Surely this is not in the best interest of the game to have this happen. I do acknowledge that in some instances it (trying not to win the second game) may give the lesser team some advantage, but by in large, I think the majority of teams will (especially those with home court advantage) see little risk in pursuing such a strategy.

Perhaps some sort of bonus to the team that sweeps the finals?

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13912.2 in reply to 13912.1
Date: 1/27/2008 10:08:21 PM
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If you want to lose a game then you could just forfeit by not submitting a lineup or submitting players in wrong positions...

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
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13912.3 in reply to 13912.1
Date: 1/28/2008 12:56:01 AM
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I wish I had your problems...! :)