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BB USA > To train or not to train?

To train or not to train?

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From: Rambo

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143139.2 in reply to 143139.1
Date: 5/7/2010 9:20:51 AM
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My thoughts fall to the black hole argument. It really depends on what you think your team can do. You're already in the NBBA so you don't have to worry about advancing. The decision is just can you win a title and does it matter. I think he is a fine player to train but if you're going to lose a game every time he plays it probably isn't worth it.

I wouldn't worry so much about the height. If you train him well you are going to cap out sooner rather than later so if the height slows anything down maybe you just train him one more season to reach his cap where you otherwise would have capped out around 22 years old.

From: FatCurry

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143139.3 in reply to 143139.1
Date: 5/7/2010 9:42:21 AM
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I think due to his age and potential you should sell and recoup your scouting costs. Any trainee you get will be a black hole and if your going to battle through that it should be for an ideal trainee. Save up and buy one next year or a 18 y/o this year who has already gotten some training.

From: Rambo

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143139.4 in reply to 143139.3
Date: 5/7/2010 11:59:14 AM
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FC - Agree with you but he didn't indicate he was trying to train a world class player. If he is just looking to train a solid ~$50k contributor for his team then this player is fine. He won't ever be NT caliber or anything but no reason he can't be a decent player in a season or two.

From: FatCurry

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143139.5 in reply to 143139.4
Date: 5/7/2010 1:10:02 PM
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100% agree he could be a solid player. As a guard Allstar would be fine to contribute in the NBBA, Bigman would be cutting it close. I dont know where a SF would cap out skills wise w/ allstar potential. I do feel though that becuase of his financial situation being in the NBBA probably making some good money as he isn't one of the highest salary teams there: ((135547.34)(135547.15)). He could easily afford getting a better trainee. I think for him it would be worth the effort, because as we mentioned when training this player early on he will be a black hole, so if you are going to go through that effort I think you should at least get the max benefit from it.

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143139.8 in reply to 143139.1
Date: 5/8/2010 8:48:39 AM
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Even with 3 more pops he won't look amazingly more attractive on the transfer list and the time it takes and risks you take to obtain these you might get lucky and get 2 pops on a starter.

IF he had respectable OD I'd skill up to strong and then he would stand out on the TL but he is 3 off that and currently only has 1 skill above respectable (albeit a nice one in passing)

You could also go for 3 cheap pops in DR/HD/JS and then go for the sale when his JS is strong. Overall i feel the time spent improving him isnt going to be for much monetary gain and now is the time he can still attract a premium on his transfer fee based on age and attraction to many lower division managers for his versatility/wage and longevity appeal.