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BB Norge > End of Season Challenge against NZ

End of Season Challenge against NZ

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From: ageo020
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Date: 5/24/2010 9:35:01 PM
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This post is in English. So if someone could translate, it would be appreciated.

Would members of BB Norge be interested in a scrimmage with NZ in the last week of after the playoffs. So the game will be played on the 1st or 2nd of July depending on the country.

So each individual team will sign up & then a week before the match, the teams will be assigned randomly to an Iranian team. The country with the most number of victors wins the contest. It can also be a test of the strength of each country's players as well.

So reply back if interested. We tried BB Iran as they are of a similar user size like us but no one seemed interested. So we are trying Norway which has a bit more users than NZ. At this moment, we have 14 users signed up for the End of Season challenge. Will be great if BB Norge can manage that. Of course more could sign up in NZ!

From: SKJT

This Post:
144852.2 in reply to 144852.1
Date: 5/25/2010 4:29:04 AM
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Just doing an little translation.

Ageo020 fra New Zealand spør om vi i Buzzerbeater Norge er interessert i en "nasjonal" treningskamp mot dem, der vi stiller opp med norske brukere som skal spille mot brukere fra NZ.
Vinneren av norge vs NZ er de som har fått mest seire i disse treningskampene man kan kalle for "cup".
Om vi godtar dette så vill kampene bli spillt 1. eller 2. july.
Dette vil være en test om vår nasjonale klubb styrke i forhold til andre land.

De prøvde noe lignende men i BB Iran sp var det omtrent ingen interesserte, så derfor kommer de hit og spør oss om vi vill prøve et slikt oppsett selv om vi er litt flere brukere. De har foreløbig 14 stk som er med, men de kan fortsatt få med seg flere.
Det ville vært flott om vi i BB Norge kunne klart dette :)

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144852.3 in reply to 144852.1
Date: 5/25/2010 6:42:29 AM
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Is the challenge meant for BLNO (Norge, division I) teams only, or does it apply to the whole community? How are the matchups decided? Cointoss? National rank?

This Post:
144852.4 in reply to 144852.3
Date: 5/25/2010 2:47:28 PM
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All Norwegian users are welcome. The matchups will be decided by National rank. We have around 15 users signed up already, so do hurry BB Norge

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144852.5 in reply to 144852.4
Date: 5/25/2010 6:44:42 PM
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Where do you sign up?

Sometimes I think, sometimes I don't
This Post:
144852.6 in reply to 144852.5
Date: 5/25/2010 6:52:41 PM
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Just reply back in this discussion to declare your interest

This Post:
144852.7 in reply to 144852.6
Date: 5/25/2010 7:19:58 PM
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I'm interested

Sometimes I think, sometimes I don't
This Post:
144852.8 in reply to 144852.7
Date: 5/25/2010 9:38:58 PM
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Can Norge get atleast 15 users because around that many users are interested in NZ

From: SKJT

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144852.9 in reply to 144852.8
Date: 5/26/2010 2:43:19 AM
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I think we can do it :) just need to let the guys read the forum more, and then they are in i guess ;)

Anyways, if im not away im in! so then we are 2 :)

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144852.10 in reply to 144852.9
Date: 5/26/2010 4:26:16 AM
Grøa Allstars
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Second Team:
Grøa Allstars II
I'm in as well.

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144852.11 in reply to 144852.10
Date: 5/26/2010 7:30:27 AM
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November is allways in. Let`s rumble.