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From: malik4
This Post:
Date: 6/7/2010 9:25:00 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
posso sapere se ce' gia' in giro una sorta di programma delle settimane che ci aspettano tra po ed eventuali amichevoli, per capire quanti allenamenti ho da fare in resist se non faccio i po??


This Post:
145975.3 in reply to 145975.2
Date: 6/7/2010 10:59:13 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ma durante la off season si possono fare le amichevoli???

From: JtR

This Post:
145975.4 in reply to 145975.3
Date: 6/7/2010 11:11:49 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ma durante la off season si possono fare le amichevoli???

si regolarmente :D

From: clutch17

To: JtR
This Post:
145975.5 in reply to 145975.4
Date: 6/7/2010 11:17:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ok..grazie mille!!!

From: Zampa

This Post:
145975.6 in reply to 145975.5
Date: 6/7/2010 4:14:37 PM
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se capisci l'inglese questo è quello che ci aspetta:

- The draft happens during the off-season processing on Monday night, but it may take until Tuesday before the process is finished.

- The creation of the draft lists is a very resource-intensive process, so you might not find your draft list available exactly on Monday.

Tentative schedule: (based on server time)
June 12 (Sa): Last regular season league game
June 14 (M): Edit Draft Order List available
June 15 (Tu): Playoffs: Conference semifinals and Relegation Playoffs Game 1.
June 15 (Tu): Every team that is eliminated from the playoffs has a scrimmage generated for June 19.
June 17 (Th): Scrimmages/Cup game
June 19 (Sa): Conference finals, Relegation Game 2, scrimmages.
June 19 (Sa): League finals and June. 26 scrimmages (for the other 14 teams) generated.
June 22 (Tu): Finals Game 1, Relegation game 3 (if necessary)
June 24 (Th): Scrimmages
June 26 (Sa): Finals Game 2, scrimmages for all other teams.
June 27 (Su): Finals Game 3 (if necessary)
June 28 (M): We begin off-season processing. After the conclusion of the last competitive national team game of the day, this involves a Game Shape reset, so it is probably inadvisable for most teams to train Game Shape.
June 28 (M): Elections begin late tonight (EST).
June 28 (M): New countries are first available for sign-up.
July 1 (Th): Scrimmages
July 3 (Sa): First league game day of the new season.
July 5 (M): Enthusiasm reset for national teams in the repechage.
July 6 (Tu): Elections conclude at the end of the day (EST).
July 6 (Tu): Second league game day of the new season.
July 7 (W): First BuzzerBeater's Best game of Season 13.
July 8 (Th): First Tournament game of Season 13.
July 12 (M): Enthusiasm reset for national teams not in the repechage, before the consolation tournament.

ho fatto copia e incolla da help(english)

From: malik4

This Post:
145975.7 in reply to 145975.6
Date: 6/8/2010 9:47:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
per ciu se non sbaglio ci saranno 3 allenamenti, il 25-6 2-7 e 9-7 che avranno due amichevoli a settimana dove conviene allenare resistenza giusto??

o le amichevoli sono 3 a settimana???

From: Eg-Nacio

This Post:
145975.8 in reply to 145975.7
Date: 6/8/2010 11:17:20 AM
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No, sono due e se hai già finito la post season, le uniche partite che puoi giocare, una ti viene assegnata automaticamente, l' altra te la organizzi te ;)

From: malik4

This Post:
145975.9 in reply to 145975.8
Date: 6/8/2010 2:23:32 PM
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pensavo 3 se faccio un turno ai p.o.


This Post:
145975.10 in reply to 145975.9
Date: 6/8/2010 2:43:05 PM
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se provvedi a organizzarti l'amichevole del giovedì giocherai 3 partite settimanali finchè farai playoff/playout, dopo di che 2 a settimana

From: clutch17

This Post:
145975.11 in reply to 145975.6
Date: 6/8/2010 4:01:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
assolutamente esaudiente... grazie tante!!!