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Suggestions > 150 BB-Mails in stock supporter

150 BB-Mails in stock supporter

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Date: 2/1/2008 4:18:26 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

I would like to request an extra option for supporters.

I'm a scout of the National Team of Holland, which means that especially in these weeks it's very busy work. The draft just happens so I get loads of BB-mails of managers who are excited about their draft picks, who hopes to got a huge talent.

Now what happens is that I got over 50 BB-mails since 30th of January. If I want to read every BB-mail I need to log in about every day (this might be a problem sometimes(carnaval)). Otherwise the message are just gone right? If I got more than the 50 messages.

At this moment I don't have supporter, because atm I don't have the extra cash for it (student you know ;)) and I don't really think it has a lot of (for me) usefull benefits. But I really would consider buying supporter if the BB-mail stock will increase when I buy it (or is this the case already??). This feature might be very usefull for National Team coaches and Scouts, who do recieve a lot of messages per day.

What do you think about this?

Kind Regards,


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14758.2 in reply to 14758.1
Date: 2/1/2008 5:14:39 PM
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This may be contrary to how the BB's would like people to do things (HT, for example, explicitly forbids manipulating URLs)...

But you can look at more than 50 old messages by changing the URL from


... to:


... for example. As NT coach for Canada, I have had the same issue you have regarding needing to look at older saved BB-mail.

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14758.3 in reply to 14758.2
Date: 2/1/2008 5:20:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow thanks for the tip


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14758.4 in reply to 14758.3
Date: 2/1/2008 5:22:21 PM
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Nice backdoor. I found messages from like last year october.

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14758.6 in reply to 14758.5
Date: 2/1/2008 6:46:59 PM
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He should have just BB-mailed it ;)