BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > IM Bar

IM Bar

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From: SpF
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Date: 8/10/2010 10:44:27 PM
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Just a suggestion that I'd like to get opinions on:

We've all seen it been more implemented into more and more websites everyday. What I'm talking about is an IM bar possibly at the bottom of the screen. When I joined BB in season 7 there was a quick link bar at the bottom of the screen, maybe we could bring this back clean it up and make it a lil smaller with the option of IMing your friends. Maybe an option to IM ppl who are online in your country idk how that would work however. The BB-mail system is a good way of communication but IMing is much faster and better between friends, plus we could also add more to the bar.

Again this is just a suggestion/idea, what do you think?

From: Spade

To: SpF
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153947.2 in reply to 153947.1
Date: 8/13/2010 12:32:23 AM
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what about just a lil chat box where you can talk to people online in a division. i dnt know if there is one but ive only seen chat boxes on games

From: russell123

To: SpF
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153947.3 in reply to 153947.1
Date: 8/13/2010 11:50:45 PM
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The IM thing sounds a little unnecesary considering theres the forums and in-game chat. I mean if you would be using it to im friends anyway theres already so many ways you can talk to them you dont need to do it through BB. The quick link bar would be cool to bring back but might also be unnecessary considering they got rid of it in favor of the new short menu but I always liked it, though a smaller one would definitely be better.